Colic is often associated with a disturbance in the digestive tract, for example due to muscle seizures in the intestinal wall or the presence of air in the intestines. Colic may also occur because the baby has lactose intolerance or allergies to cow's milk or infant formula. However, the specific mechanism causes of colic has yet known. Colic usually disappears within a few weeks and no long-term impact on the health of the baby. In addition, most colicky babies still have a good appetite and weight gain is normal.
Symptoms of colic are as follows:
- Excessive crying after drinking milk or when i wake up, especially at night
- The baby's crying is difficult to stop when the attack occurred colic
- When he cried, his face and legs reddish-lift appointed
- His stomach may be swollen
What should you do when faced with a colicky baby:
- Ensure your baby needs are fulfill. For example, not until he was too hungry or have to wait long to breastfeed
- Hug, so little to feel comfortable
- Rub his back with facedowning the baby on your lap
- Take a walk with a stroller or a car so he calmly
- Wash with warm water and create a relaxed atmosphere in the evenings
- Rocking your baby while singing or playing his favorite song