Not only Acne in Anorexia Nervosa but there are also another bad reactions body by stopping some processes such as drastically reducing blood pressure, breathing weaken, the woman stops menstruating (or in children with an adult, probably stopped menstruating (or in children with an adult, probably not started menstruating at all), and thyroid gland that regulates the growth disappeared. The skin dries Hair and nails become brittle. Other symptoms that may arise is a headache, chills, constipation, and swelling of the joints. The lack of fat causes the body temperature decreases. As a natural mechanism, a growth lanugo or hair all over the body including the face. In addition, the imbalance of chemicals in body can also cause heart attacks.
Acne in Anorexia Nervosa is like a chain reaction of anorexia nervosa as one of Dermatologic Signs of Anorexia Nervosa so it need completely healing for it not just the acne. They need heal their Anorexia Nervosa problems first then the acne because the Acne in Anorexia Nervosa just an effect.
To know more about Anorexia Nervosa , physically and psychologically the Anorexia Nervosa Symptom you can read this articles : Physically and Psychologically the Anorexia Nervosa Symptom
But if you want to know more about Acne in Anorexia Nervosa , you can read in this articles:
• What is The Acne and The Treatment ?
• How To Get Rid of Stubborn Acne?
• How Many Type of Acne are There ?
• Coconut Oil For Acne Treatment
• Type of Acne Scars
• Acne Treatments
• The Causes of Acne