31-5 days, experts on food safety by the World Health Organization (WHO), Hilde Kruse identified bacterial infection outbreaks E. Coli EHEC groups in Europe are very large scale, very serious.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also said that Europe is one of the diseases on a global scale and is the first major epidemic in Germany today.
On the same day in Germany, the number of deaths has risen to 15 people with 1150 cases, including 373 cases of the syndrome and increased blood urea canopy. Most in the city of Hamburg with 448 cases. Sweden is the first death on 31-5. The same day, Spain and Norway are the first cases. The songs are all from Germany.
European Union (EU) are investigating Germany recommended that the cucumber can be infected from Spain, Holland or Denmark. However, again Environment Minister Rosa Aguilar of Spain confirmed the Spanish cucumber uninfected. She suggested the EU and Germany provided the survey results, and requires only criticized German and Spanish.
Meanwhile, on 31-5, the French Ministry of Health has asked Spain to Germany and transparent information about the bacterium E. Coli EHEC group. Up to now there are still many unknown issues such as sources of bacterial contamination of vegetables in the manufacture, transport or during infection in Germany.
Bulgaria and Belgium have banned cucumber Spain. Russia banned the import vegetables from Spain and Germany, also said it may extend the ban throughout the EU. Vegetables imported from these countries on Russia banned the sale.
Hoan Bridge Times (China) 31-5 on news announced by the European Radio City, Zhejiang Province (China), in the rectification of environmental pollution in Taiwan Asia from 1-4 to 25-5 148 cases have been dealt with pollution, and 74 administrative detainees, sanctioning more than 8.2 million yuan (nearly 26 billion VND), 652 private companies violating power cut and water outages . Four companies lead battery production licenses canceled or suspended production. Electroplating companies in 10 four companies have moved production sites, both companies were suspended and four companies be required to correct sanitation. In mid-March, 172 people in Shanghai Rural Education have blood lead levels exceeding standards. Of these 53 children.
FOR SCIENCE - TNL - Hong Hanh (The AFP, WSJ, THX, Financial Times)