To completely about Depression Risk Hereditary , you can read in this link: Depression Risk Hereditary FAQ. And to recognize type of depression you can read here : Different types of Depression also the Physical symptoms of depression.
Talk about Depression is twice as common in women as in men, but the reason for this sexual dimorphism is unknown and the origins of this dramatic difference remain obscure. Life stressers have long been hypothesized to be risk factors for depression, and contemporary theories continue to emphasize the role of psychological stress in the etiology of major depressive disorder. Empirical studies support these theoretical formulations; in both case-control comparisons and recent studies of multiple risk factors, exposure to stressful life events is a strong predictor of liability for major depression. Despite the importance of life stressors in predicting depression and the higher rates of depression in women, few studies have directly examined whether stress accounts, at least in part, for the high rates of depression in women. In order to address this issue, it is important to determine whether women are exposed to more stressors, have greater exposure to certain types of stressors, or respond differently to stressors than do men.
Sexual abuse during childhood is a stressor experienced more frequently by girls than boys, with estimates of the incidence of childhood sexual abuse in girls varying from 6% to 62%. This wide range is related to disparate definitions of childhood sexual abuse and differing methods of data collection, but most studies estimate the incidence to be at least 6%–15%. Childhood sexual abuse is considerably less common in males, with the ratio of female to male victims estimated to be as high as 12:1. There is also some evidence that childhood sexual abuse may be particularly pernicious in its effects and that it is more likely to predict the subsequent development of psychiatric illness than does sexual assault occurring in adulthood
We should take care of this to save our child from the beast ( mostly our close family members ) also take care for the victims future and protect them from depression risk , more over for depression hereditary risk. To read completely how the research tell about the effect and cycle of sexual abuse in childhood , how this could be a risk factor for depression or would it be a starting for Depression Hereditary Risk you can follow this link.