Tragic Winston White was found dead inside the vehicle after temperatures inside the car were reported to have reached an astonishing 150 degrees.
Police said no windows were left open in the vehicle as it sat outside a home in blazing sunshine.
Genee Brumfield, the boy's godmother,has been charged with negligent homicide following the incident in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Brumfield had been babysitting the boy when she stopped to visit her mother, according to police.
She was supposed to drop the toddler off at his regular day care but instead made an unscheduled stop at her mothers.
The boy was left inside the vehicle with all the windows closed and doors locked.
'For some unknown reason, Brumfield decided to stop by her mother's home, leaving the 3-year-old inside the car with the windows up and the doors locked,' said police spokesman Marlon Defillo.
Defillo said it was eight hours before somebody realised what had happened.
Police said Brumfield's sister came out and discovered the boy.
He was unresponsive, and despite the efforts of paramedics could not be revived. Read More