Figures with autism continue to rise worldwide. Not only the sufferer is increasing, the present variant of autism are also more and more known. Asperger syndrome is one variant of autism that is lighter than classic autism cases.
Asperger's Disorder derived from the name of Hans Asperger, a pediatrician origin of the City of Vienna, Austria. In 1940, Asperger's is the first person to describe the specific behavior pattern in patients, especially male patients.
Asperger noticed that although these children have a normal level of intelligence and good language skills, but they have a deficiency in social skills. Generally they are not able to communicate effectively and the ability of poor coordination.
According to Susan B Stine, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, the character from that experienced Asperger syndrome children is a lack of ability to interact socially, unusual speech patterns, and other special behavior.
Then, children with Asperger syndrome is usually very difficult to show the expression on his face and is difficult to read body language of others. They may also feel comfortable with a certain routine that must be done every day and are sensitive to certain sensory stimulation. For example, they will be disturbed by the dim lights that may not be noticed by others.
"They could have shut their ears so as not to be listening to the sound around it or they might prefer clothes from certain materials," said Stine.
In addition, he explained, characteristics of children who have Asperger's syndrome is delay in motor skills, clumsy, limited interest and excessive attention to certain activities.
Asperger syndrome is a developmental disorder with symptoms such as disturbances in social, hard to accept the changes, like doing the same thing over and over, and obsessed and busy themselves with activities that attract attention.
Generally, good intelligence level or even higher than normal children. In addition, he usually did not experience delays in speaking. Overview seen, children with Asperger syndrome are no different from the intelligent and creative child. It's just that these children usually have a particular interest for doing. Overall, children with Asperger syndrome disorder can make everyday activities, but seen as a person who is less socially valued as a person so often eccentric by others.
According to Stine, if an adult with Asperger's Syndrome, usually they will find it difficult to express empathy to others and remain difficult to interact with others.
"Experts say that people with Asperger syndrome will usually be settled for life. However, these symptoms can be reduced and repaired within a certain time. Early detection of Asperger's syndrome would be very helpful," stine concluded.