There is a myth that states that the pregnancy will not happen if intercourse is done by a standing position. Is it true?
Pregnancy may occur if a sperm entering through ms V and managed an egg is released at the time of fertility.
Outside the woman's fertile period, sexual relations are not likely to cause pregnancy. If viewed from the position of sexual intercourse, in any position will still provide the possibility of pregnancy.
However, the best position to produce a pregnancy is the man on top, because the sperm accumulated around the mouth of the womb longer.
With a standing position, is more likely the sperm get out again, not even buried around the mouth of the uterus.
Therefore, theoretically, the possibility of pregnancy is smaller when compared with men in top positions. Only, the possibility of pregnancy still exists.
This means that sexual relations with a standing position can not be used as a way to prevent pregnancy.
Sperm entering through Miss V would be going out again. That's funny if not come out again.
Remember, sperm cells contained in the sperm fluid needed to get pregnant. Spermatozoa cells that moved into the uterus for the egg to be fertilized.