Some even called Suri Cruise was not Tom child, especially Tom always conceal the identity of the Empress, and the making of public curiosity.
But apart from the controversy about Suri, Tom proves himself to remain "tough" at the age of four heads. In a previous marriage to Nicole Kidman, Tom did not have a biological child, but proved himself to be a perfect man.
Another theory behind the public controversy Tom-Kat's wedding, researchers from Finland investigated the relationship Tom and Katie as a supporter of their studies. Here Tom increasingly confirmed the theory that the older men more "Fertile" when married women half her age.
The research was performed on Sami people who inhabit northern Scandinavia. Sami people known as the hunter and also a nation that embraced the marriage with a partner whose age is 15 years younger than them. This attitude is also understandable because the hunters have to spend lots of time to hunt. Once written Andrew Lee Tan, in his book Art Enjoying Sex.
"We found that men tend to be more fit to find their passion when dealing with women much younger age, as found on the Sami people," explained Dr Samuli Helle, University of Turku.
Helle added that Sami men thinks Sami young women have a good reproductive organs, and is proportional to the quality of Sami men who consider themselves to have good skills in hunting, and more importantly they have enough material to support their offspring, and this a magnet for young women Sami to marry older men.
This opinion also emphasized Dr Laurence Shaw, of Bridge Londong Fertility Center, who said, "The age difference may be a relic hunter nation that might still apply today. As is well known, highly sexed men peaked in the age of 30s, while women between the ages 20-25, so it is not surprising that middle-aged men prefer a woman who was much younger than himself. "
When saw a beautiful woman, the average middle-aged man passionate, even an erection, although this is more easy happened to young men. So having a younger wife, a husband was always excited when "playing" in bed.
Frequent delivery also makes the old woman's body quickly and sick, even after menopause, women generally lackluster sexual intercourse, since Miss V was dry and loose. This too is one reason some men are not interested in marrying a woman of their age.
The reason it makes some women prefer men much younger. By marrying a younger woman, and when the couple unable to have intercourse because of menopause, the husband had also been going to the same stage. That way, sexual desire will be the same.
Although not mentioned habits Sami man marries a much younger woman is not right, but Shaw, appealed to men age 21 to not use them when looking for companion of life, and encourage the husband and wife age difference is not too far away.