One new fact was found from the results of research conducted by the Edinburgh University who says the stress of your lifestyle could damage men's health, especially in reproductive health disorders.
These disorders include problems testicles descended into scrotum. If this is allowed to drag on, this condition can lead to infertility.
"This study not only see the effects of one single factor abnormalities in male but see a combination of lifestyle factors and the environment. Both cause a greater impact," said Mandy Drake, the researcher quoted from Dailymail.
Most studies show that reproductive disorders caused by exposure to only high levels of chemicals in the timeframe that is not normal. Whereas only a few humans who are exposed to these chemicals.
"In this study appear if stress is a part of everyday life, can increase the risk of reproductive problems. In addition, research studies indicate that chemicals in the lower levels can also cause harmful effects," explains Drake.
The study published in the journal Endocrinology, the study of how the condition affects the development of uterine male rats.
Some pregnant rats given phthalates (plastic softeners chemicals) found in many household appliances including shower curtain, vinyl floors, plastic packaging, toys and credit cards. In addition, some mice were also given injections of stress hormones.
The study found that stress hormone alone does not affect the testicles and urinary system but giving a baby rat phthalates can affect the course. And giving both aggravating interference.
"Stress and chemicals in early pregnancy, inhibit the development of sex organs of men and interfere with fertility in later life," said Drake