Temperamental Mother Fetal Heart Risk

MOTHER who often angry during pregnancy their babies at greater risk of experiencing heart problems. According to the researchers, babies born to mothers who tend to act aggressive and just follow your heart has a heart rate variation is much less after birth. Heart rate variation is believed to be a healthy sign because it indicates that the body flexible and can adjust to the changes. For example, different breathing patterns should affect the heart rate.

This statement is corroborated by the findings of researchers from the University of Sussex, England. According to them, such behavior slamming doors, yelling loudly, throwing dishes and even food can interfere with excessive fetal heart development in the womb.

But if the heart does not adjust to the change then the risk is susceptible to interference and the infection is also greater. Adults who have a heartbeat various lower, more researchers, proved a greater risk of experiencing heart problems.
"The tendency to act as they pleased and angry without control affects the psychological development of the fetus. This makes the baby more at risk of cardiovascular disease," said the researcher, was quoted as saying dailymail site.

In addition, another researcher light, hormonal changes in the body that trigger aggressive behavior might cross the placenta into the fetus. It also may also influence the development of cells.

Detailed studies
In this study, the researchers involved 49 pregnant women aged between 22 and 39. The tests required participants to view their tendency angry without control. In an interview, they were asked to describe how they handle anger. In addition, their brain activity monitored to see their response to the sounds and images designed to trigger a negative reaction. Researchers found 22 participants (almost half of the total participants) included in the 'category of anger'.

After birth, the baby's heart's electrical activity measured by using electrocardiogram, or ECG. They found that babies of mothers included in the 'category of anger' has a heart rate variation is lower.

"Low heart rate variation is a bad thing, though have not been studied fully, because it depicts a lack of flexibility and adaptability in our body. In adults, variations in the low heart rate associated with heart disease," explained cardiologist Professor Nick Peters of Imperial College London.
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