Twin Baby Cradle Without fuss

Having twins is a double joy for the parents, but also had to prepare extra effort in maintaining them. It takes the proper way to care for both twins is getting the same affection.

Most parents felt first year of life with twin babies is a moment of confused, because having just one baby was much less strenuous enough to take care of two babies in the same time.

For that there are several things that can be done by the parents in order to take care of baby twins is easier, as quoted by the essay Baby Book William Sears and Martha Sears :
  1. Double preparation. Using ultrasonic equipment, the presence of twins can be estimated. So that parents can prepare everything before the birth of twins. Exchange ideas with people who have experienced having twins will provide a better education.
  2. Involving fathers in taking care of babies. When the baby's father's sole involvement is an option, so the twins' father involvement is a must. Dad could be involved in a hold, euthanize or assist if one of soothing the baby crying.
  3. Giving the same schedule on the twins. Try to feed and euthanize the baby at the same time. With so could create a form of the same routine for both. Usually babies will quickly calm down and sleep soundly when placed next to each other with a twin.
  4. Making good time management. So make a list of activities that should be done by parents, and leave other duties to others who can be trusted, so parents do not feel tired with other additional duties.
  5. Always try to carry both twins. Babies are often held to make it less crying and more calm. Because if one cries they will make another baby was crying, too, and if the constant crying can be stressful nerve. Have two to sling it at once.
  6. Creating ideas for the care of two individuals rather than twins. Although it looks similar but still individual both are different. Call both with their name and provide multiple controls when they have grown.
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