The chances of twins is increased dramatically over two decades. But of course, not all mothers can meet these expectations. Some say that the presence of twins occurs only in 1 of 33 pregnancies (some say 1 in 80 pregnancies). However, when viewed scientifically, there are 3 things that increase the chances of twins:
- Age. One reason for the increased birth of twins in the U.S. is the trend in postponing pregnancy. The presence of twins is increasing among women aged over 35 years. Your chance to have twins if you are under 25 years less than half than if you are over 35 years.
- Twin possibilities presented by reproductive technology. You may have never heard it, but drugs that support the occurrence of ovulation (to cultivate) and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) turned out to increase the likelihood of the presence of twins. During the years 1973 to 1990, twin births increased two times compared to single babies, and triplets and the rest also increased seven-fold.
- Your immediate family twins. You can predict that you might have a chance give birth to twins before you declared pregnant, if your family has descended fraternal twins (dizygotic). Contrary to what is believed by some people, you do not need through a single first generation to get the chance. If your mother or grandmother of twins, you also may have inherited genes that cause you to release more than one egg at a time, making it possible to get twins.
IVF programs now are no longer served by a woman who is difficult to have children, but also by couples who want to have twins. The consideration is, age is increasingly rising, fertility programs also do not work out, might as well pay for the expensive IVF procedures to pursue having a baby; not just one, but two. If the mother was giving birth a baby, or two babies (twins), the cost remains the same (cost varies, in the range of USD 30-60 million).
But according to the doctors, the program is also risky. Compared with one baby, containing two babies or more are also storing the risk of health problems, including premature birth, infants with less weight, and defects in infants.
"Patients usually only focus on getting pregnant in any way and form, so what about the (risk) twins are not so worry about," said Alan Peaceman, MD, professor and head of fetal medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. "Sometimes, they also do not understand that the risks could be very bad."
Therefore, many doctors who refused to pursue the twin fetuses because of the risk factors. Want to know what are the risks:
- The death of infants: Infant twins five times more potent died after 1 month of age than single babies.
- Born Premature: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 60% of American twins born in 2006 were born preterm. While a single infant only 11% are born prematurely. There are also 12% of twins were born very prematurely (at age 32 weeks of pregnancy), compared with a single infant only 2%.
- Baby LBW (Low Birth Weight): The CDC reported that approximately 58% of American babies born in 2006 experienced LBW, whereas a single infant only 6%. Then, 10% experienced LBW of twins is very low, while a single infant only 1%.
- A baby with defects of the brain, including cerebral palsy, are risks experienced by infants born prematurely.
- Risk for mothers: Women with twins at increased risk of preeclampsia, diabetes during pregnancy, and bleeding before and after delivery, compared with women who gave birth to single babies.
Of course, through consultation we can also find out whether we are eligible to undergo this program. In the end, all decisions have on you and your partner.