Therefore, the common slogan that prevention is the best effort-efficient and more effective than treatment, should be really implemented to prevent nutritional problems in babies.
To find out the nutritional status and overall health of children can be seen starting from the general appearance (weight and height), physical signs, motor, functional, emotional and cognitive child.
Based on anthropometric measurements, then the healthy baby get older, gain weight, and height is associated with the adequacy of intake macronutrien, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, iodine, and zinc.
Characteristic of children who have problems with lack of calcium which is one sign of malnutrition can be seen clearly. The most fundamental of calcium deficiency is characterized by brittle bones. Yet children are still able to achieve the maximum and that reinforcements will not be achieved, so that bones are shorter and can not be lengthened.
Healthy lifestyles, he added, can be implemented by using your local grocery. So either someone who is essentially a food sago, or stay on the beach, even if that person lives in a production center egg, or tempeh and tofu once, then do not replace them with rice.
Then to eat rice must be obtained by buying, then he should have a job. Because of that, actually use the food that exists in the vicinity should not be imported from other regions, which will lead to a high dependency.
Malnutrition problem that begins from an unhealthy lifestyle was also triggered by reluctance to drink milk. Though parents should socialize milk as a menu that must exist in everyday food.
The problem is only noticed the child's parents when he was a baby up to one year. Once children have entered one year and was able to feed themselves, are no longer considered the number, type and schedule meals. Actually, if the child drinks milk from a baby (ASI) for up to two years , then continued again with the formula, when accustomed since early will make he felt milk was one food that must exist in the cuisine. Therefore, there is no age limit for people to drink milk, until the elderly also need to drink milk because milk is a source of best for calcium.
The content of calcium in one glass of milk was higher when replaced by other foodstuffs. Another good food fish or spinach even how many pounds, not enough calcium contained in milk. Because milk is contained in the intake of protein, calcium, and vitamins.
In fact, although there were some children who are prone to lactose intolerance (milk sugar), children still need to drink milk.
If in such conditions can not be given once the milk in significant amounts. But every day should be trying to give milk little by little until he was able to drink milk and no symptoms.
But we also do not necessarily rely only source of food containing milk. Because the food consumed must be diverse. If there are children who only consume milk, that's problematic. And from that time the child is also eating patterns must be repaired.
If all living children only want to drink milk, the diet must be corrected. Because the milk is the main food at the time a baby boy, after 6 months was also slowly introduced solid foods. If it so, then parents have to work hard for varying types of food. Because the milk was no fibers that would make it difficult defecation.
So, pay attention to the food right there in the daily menu for your baby.