MOM key role in the family. If a mother had abused or acts of violence, risk offspring born with low weight or grow as a dwarf child.
Growing up in addition to the developing child is determined adequate nutrition, it also affected his mother's psychosocial conditions. This statement is at least proven by a recent study in Bangladesh.
A study published Archives of Disease in Childhood editions in October 2009 concluded that children born of mothers who experienced violence (abuse), risk of being born with a small and growing body of developing a stunted runt.
Previous studies showed that the physical and sexual violence on women, the risk associated with them to give birth to babies with the condition of low birth weight, also associated an increased risk of fetal mortality.
To explore more information, Dr. Kajsa Asling-Monemi and his team from Uppsala University in Sweden, to birth weight data from 3164 children and analyzing the data growth of up to 2 years of age.
The mother of these children (a total of 4436 mothers), most are housewives who do not work, with an average age of 26 years old when the study began.
Half of the mothers were known to have become victims of domestic violence (domestic violence). As many as 14 percent experienced physical violence, such as slapped or pushed, and 8 percent had more models of physical violence such as hit, kicked, dragged, and even strangulation.
Approximately 8 percent of these women also experienced some violence during pregnancy. In addition, 24 percent of whom reported experiencing sexual harassment, and the other 28 percent also claimed to have experienced psychological violence such as insults, humiliation, and intimidation.
At birth, the children in the study had an average weight of 2.7 kg. Approximately 33 percent of whom are categorized Low Birth Weight, ( LBW ) weighing 2.5 kg or less. Children entering LBW group were mostly born to mothers who had experienced domestic violence.
Furthermore, children born of mothers who experienced domestic violence nearly 42 percent of very thin, 13 percent less food, and more than 55 percent of impaired growth develops, the stunt now reached the age of two years. Conversely, groups of children born of mothers who are not abused (not experiencing domestic violence), only 37 percent are very thin, 11 percent less food, and nearly 50 percent of the dwarf.
Relations between battered women and children increasingly growth disorders higher after investigators traced the background of maternal education, frequency of delivery, and religion.
Based on the analysis, Asling-Monemi and her team concluded that women experienced domestic violence can affect two things, namely the risk of giving birth to smaller babies than their normal size and growth delay in children up to age two years.
Healthy Start Since in The Womb
It is a holistic health (overall). Not only physical health but also mental and social. These three things are important parts of the developing child to grow.
A healthy child is usually synonymous with intelligent. Well, the intelligence gained from the child learning from this environment starts in the womb. Efforts to improve the quality of the developing child grows covers five periods, which started before the mother became pregnant, during pregnancy, childbirth, infancy and toddler, until the time of school and teen age.
These efforts conducted jointly by the mother, father, family, environment, and schools.
Children are a gift that must be preserved and celebrated his presence. It is hard to do when the mother does not have the physical readiness, psychological, and financial. That is why, every pregnancy should planned. Before pregnant, be sure to have created mutual understanding and openness between partners, as well as support from family.
In addition, pregnancy is a decision between the two wives and husbands, so that should be the desire and agreement. It would be nice if the family and the environment also supports.
As stated pregnant mothers, a variety of physical and psychological readiness to consider. For physical health fetuses, pregnant women should eat a nutritious diet with a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, iron, and iodine. In addition, monitor maternal and fetal health through regular prenatal care.
The mental readiness, in addition to full support of her husband and family, also need to cultivate mutual respect. In order to stimulate the intelligence of the fetus, parents can do early stimulation. The way to stimulate all the senses (sensory) fetus, especially of hearing, touch, and feelings.
Turn the music is fun mom, or sing a favorite song mother and fetus. This can be done, stroking mother's stomach, either by the mother, father, or other family members such as grandmothers and grandfathers.