Rise of female smoking in India

Gone are the days where you see smoking women in a high profile clubs or pubs. And for the older generation of the country, they even didn’t see women smoking in real, may be they only would have saw them smoking in films! Situations in India drastically changed over the last few decades and with it, the smoking habit in women gradually increased.

Smoking facts and smoking stories differ from different sections of females, and most of the times you never know how big the percentage of smoking women is. The women smoking is high in the areas of BPO and media sectors. The percentage of smoking women averages from 8% to 35% in media sector.

According to a recent study, 150 out every 1000 women in India are smokers. Considering the culture, society and living conditions of India, this smoking percentage is big.

‘How to quit smoking’ this is the killing questions for many people from western countries. On the other hand, quitting smoking is as difficult as it can be for Indians. There are many factors that are leading to female smoking in India. ‘Stress’ is so far the major factor that’s drawing ladies to smoke. Corporate culture comes next, as many woman in BPOs or other MNC sectors feel smoking is part of their newly adopted culture. Not to forget college ladies growing ‘fashion trends’ which is making them to smoke.

As per the reports, the women smoking is very high in media sector which is the print, electronic and other forms of the media. It’s followed the BPO sector.

India is a democratic and secular country. Government of India has given every right for the women of India in competing with men in all fields, including smoking!

Source http://www.healthnews18.com/rise-of-female-smoking-in-india.html

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