It's NOT that easy!!
Today, the enthusiast is spoiled by the variety of diet products and diet are all so interesting to try. Not impossible, someone that is running the Atkins diet and was not satisfied with the result, immediately moved to the Ornish diet. Upon hearing the news about the zone diet, she also joined switch followed. Next, with the psyllid is easily switch to other diets, starting five factor diet, South Beach Diet, sugar free diet, and so on. Obviously with the lure of power has a tokcer, namely slender in an instant.
Whereas, in diets did not change course as easy as turning your hand. Stir to mix or changing dietary patterns at random, especially in a relatively short span of time, could endanger health. You see, the body needs to adapt and adjust to all types of food that goes into it.
Which is often a problem, often times people assume that anyone can thin with the diet similar. In fact, a diet program aimed at fat people is different from their more slender-bodied. When beaten flat, the result will not match expectations. Fat people are applying for those diet-bodied medium, could risk suffering from malnutrition.
Besides, the choice of a suitable type of diet is also not equal for everyone. There are people who are not able to receive the body condition of a particular diet, such as high-protein diets are at risk of damage to kidney function.
When changing dietary patterns, the human body needs to make some adjustments. For example, when shifting from low-protein diet (for example, a diet based on blood type diet or vegetarian) to a high-protein diets (eg Atkins diet). In this condition, the body will react is the kidney and liver. Liver is the organ where the process of metabolism, while the exhaust from the burning remains of the protein through the kidneys. Sudden changes in eating patterns that will force the liver and kidneys to work harder than usual. This can disrupt the function of these two organs.
Not only the turnaround of a sudden a diet that can harm the body, 'wed' two or more types of diets can be bad as well. For example, a duet between the Atkins diet with low-fiber diet, will make your body no longer receive any kind of fibrous food intake. In fact, one function is to expedite the process of fiber digestion and disposal of leftover food from the intestines. The lack of fiber content in the body will eventually lead to constipation and intestinal disorders.
Another example of the wrong dietary pattern is to merge the Ornish diet (one rule is to abstain from eating meat) with a vegetarian diet. As a result, the body will lack many proteins that are generally found in meat. Lack of complete protein intake in the long term can lead to anemia (lack of blood), because it can cause iron deficiency.
In the end, if protein intake is under the body's needs, there will be a reshuffle of tissue proteins in order to cover the daily protein needs. In extreme cases, if the revamp of this protein occurs in excess, and supposing protein from vital organs were damaged (eg heart), of consequences can be fatal!
Basically, the human body's organs will make adjustments to changes in the body. However, if the organs are forced to work hard in a long time, then organ dysfunction, either mild or severe levels, can occur. In addition, the real most dangerous is not pergantiannya, but a mistake in choosing the type of diet. So, if you want mutually dietary pattern, choose the appropriate body's needs.
Diet triggers anorexia
The most severe consequences of the habit of mutually This diet is a person so being anti on food. Because the rules of various types of diets were different, and someone had used dieting all the time, the risks will arise excessive obsession, even a negative image of food. Consequently, efforts to diet can turn into a serious eating disorder, like anorexia or bulimia.
Diet is often the case that went too far in the Hollywood celebrities. Victoria Beckham is obsessed with dieting, admitted to mention the fat content and calories in all types of foodstuffs. Now, the body of this mother of three children looking so 'flat' because of overly strict selection of foods they consumed. In addition to Victoria, a number of other names, such as Jessica Alba, Calista Flockhart, Nicole Richie, and most recently, Nikki Hilton, also known to have eating disorder.
Brazilian model, Ana Carolina Reston, even killed in a tragic condition after undergoing treatment in hospital due to kidney failure. So long on a diet with only eating apples and tomatoes, Ana sexy body turned into a pile of bones. It is said that 172 cm menjulangnya body, sustaining only weigh about 40 kg! So you do not go slipping, let alone become 'victims of food' follow the prevention steps.
So, be carefull taking diet or a diet will triggered eating disorder, it will from eating disorder and mess everything. Diet and eating disorder is a close friend, you excessive in the diet, you got eating disorder. Take a diet but not eating disorder! Read here to know : The third type of eating disorder ..... Have an nice life, and kicking!