This is a myth (M) and the fact (F) about BreastFeeding
- M: Breastfeeding causes sagging breasts. F: sagging breasts caused by increasing age and pregnancy.
- M: small breasts, can not produce much milk. F: small and large breasts are equally able to produce more milk.
- M: breasts with nipples sink can not breastfeed. F: Nipple down does not mean that can not breastfeed, because breast feeding your baby, not the nipple.
- M: The first milk (which is yellowish) is not good for babies. F: first milk (colostrum) is the best substance for the baby.
- M: colostrum / milk is sour milk first. F: Colostrum contains immune substances and the very rich proteins.
- M: exclusive breastfeeding is not to give food, others may. F: exclusive breastfeeding means giving only breast milk alone, the others can not.
- M: exclusive breastfeeding is not to give formula milk, others may. F: exclusive breastfeeding means should only be given breast milk only, others may not.
- M: exclusive breastfeeding can not be done if the mother worked. F: Working mom still able to providing breast milk exclusively.
- M: Up to 6 months of age, only breast milk is not enough for the baby. F: All the needs of babies up to 6 months of age are met by breast milk itself.
- M: Bananas can cure diarrhea in infants. F: solid foods can not be processed by the baby's intestines until the age of 6 months.
- M: Bananas can clean the baby's intestines. F: Bananas can not clean the baby's intestines, but damaging, because the baby's intestines are not able to process food until 6 months of age.
- M: Milk formula is as good as breast milk. F: There is no any other liquids that could replace breast milk.
- M: Milk formula makes babies healthier. M: Only if it is given exclusively breastfed until 6 months to make a healthier baby.
- M: For the development of the brain, milk formula better than breast milk. F: Breast milk contains AA / DHA is very important for brain growth.
- M: The combination of breast milk and formula is best for babies. F: What is best for babies up to age 6 months was only received breast milk only.
- M: If milk is not well yet, or can be replaced with formula. F: If the milk has not or is not smooth, the baby still has a body resistance (not starve) up to 2x24 hours after birth, which was taken from the womb.
- M: If the milk has not come out, there is no point in feeding a baby. F: If the milk has not or is not smooth, the baby still has a body resistance (not starve) up to 2x24 hours after birth, which was taken from the womb.
- M: While milk has not come out, the baby may be given formula milk or honey. F: Provision of food other than breast milk increases the risk of bowel disturbance in infants is still not ready.
- M: In order for a baby is not yellow and not a fever, may be given other food or drink before the milk out. F: Yellow Infants should received a lot of sun in the morning and more often breast-fed.
- M: If the baby continues to cry it means less milk. F: Babies cry not necessarily hungry.
- M: Women who drink lots of milk, would produce a lot of milk. F: Number of milk is produced is not affected by food or beverages consumed by the mother. The more often baby feeds the more milk produced.
- M: In order to make a lot of milk, you should be eating lots of vegetables. F: The more baby feeds the more milk produced.
- M: If the mother sick, the baby will be infected through breast milk. F: When get sick, the mother's body to make immune substances that also distributed to infants through breast milk so the baby will not get sick.
- M: Mother of less vitamins can not breastfeed her baby. F: thin, though she still can make a lot of milk as long as the frequent feeding.
- M: Breastfeeding should not be done while lying down. F: Breastfeeding can be done while standing, sitting or lying down.
- M: Babies who are ill should not be fed. F: Babies who are sick should be more frequent breast-fed.
- M: Provision of water to the newborn until the age of 6 months will not hurt. F: Provision of water to the newborn until the age of 6 months will only meet the baby's stomach thereby reducing the space for much needed breast milk the baby.
- M: Newborns need to be given tea to have the energy. F: Provision of tea water to a newborn until the age of 6 months will only meet the baby's stomach thereby reducing the space for much needed breast milk the baby.
- M: After birth, the mother is too tired to be able to breastfeed the baby. F: Except in emergency situations, new mothers can breastfeed their babies birth soon, hugging and feeding the baby is sick and relieving fatigue mother.
- M: The newborn can not feed themselves. F: Babies have a strong instinct to find the nipple in the first hour after birth.
- M: milk has not come out on the first day after birth. F: Though it is not felt, the colostrum (first milk), will be out immediately after birth. Small amounts, but enough for the needs of infants.
- M: There is no point in feeding the baby after its birth. F: Colostrum is rich liquid with immune substances and other important substances should have a baby. Babies who breastfeed will directly stimulate fast milk out.
- M: Infants should be wrapped and warmed under a lamp for two hours after birth. F: Babies are not a chicken. The warmth of baby's best acquired through skin contact to the mother's skin, because the warmth of the mother's body can adjust to the needs of the baby. Contact your baby's skin to create a breastfeeding mother's skin faster exit.
- M: first milk / colostrum is very little, so that the baby was hungry and crying. F: The first milk a little, but enough to meet the baby's stomach can be filled only as much as 4 tsp.
- M: Babies cry, certainly because of hunger. F: Babies cry because it could result uncomfortable, insecure, feeling ill, and so on, not necessarily hungry.
- M: Babies cry because of hunger needs to be given food or other beverages. F: If the baby is hungry, give milk again. Often breast-fed baby will not make hungry.
- M: The important of milk is that white fluid. F: colostrum / milk first (yellow / no color) is the most important milk to give immunity to the baby. White milk is the most important for your baby needs until the first 6 months.
- M: Baby cold and need wear sleeping bag. F: The newborn is easily chilled, so the need to hug skin to skin contact, given the cap, and the mother with a baby covered. Sleeping Bag baby is too tight will make it cold.
- M: Lack of available health personnel so that the baby can not be allowed to feed themselves. F: husband or family members can help the mother breastfeed Early Initiation.
- M: Birth room or surgery room busy so that your baby needs to be separated from his mother. F: While busy, the mother can do Early Initiation of Breastfeeding . (EIB)
- M: I had to get stitches so that the baby needs to be separated from his mother. F: While stitched, she still can perform EIB.
- M: Infants should be given vitamin K injections and eye drops immediately after birth. F: Yes, but can be delayed for 1 hour until the baby is finished nursing early.
- M: Infants should be cleaned immediately after birth. F: Postponed 1 hour will not change the baby's weight and height.
- M: Health personnel have not agreed on the importance of giving the opportunity of EBI in infants born with cesarean section. F: Maybe, but it is the parents duty to defend the rights of the baby. Health workers can be given an explanation, and the husband or family member could persuade that the baby was left to EIB.
- M: I have not been able to sit / sit sideways to give milk. F: Who is required to sit?Babies can breastfeed while the baby lay down on mother's chest.