It usually impacts Whites or people with fair complexion and it's frequently referred to as the “curse of the Celts”, even though it may also impact people of other ethnicities or race kind. It impacts both sexes but it's much more typical on females than adult men. It usually appears among the ages between 30 and 50, and is often taken wrongly as sun-burn or adult acne.
The crucial symptoms of Rosacea are burning and stinging in the face, inappropriate facial flushing or blushing that is not related to sweating which ultimately leads to prolonged redness, inflammatory papules and pustules without whiteheads and blackheads, cheeks that are not warm, dilated blood vessel lines within the face (telangiectasia), and in advanced cases that is more common in men, the thickening of the skin within the nose causing large, bulbous, ruddy appearance (rhinophyma). Eye involvement might cause pinkeye (conjunctivitis), inflammation of eyelids marked by inflammation, swelling and dry crusts (blepharitis), dry gritty eyes, and recurrent sties.
There are a number of theories as to what may trigger this situation. It may be caused by a blood disorder that leads to them to be inflamed, causing the reddening. It may also be a genetic predisposition that's triggered by specific environmental factors that aggravates the skin, as researchers have observed that a number of individuals within a family have the situation. Furthermore, it may also be triggered by skin mites (Dedomex folliculorum) living in facial hair follicles that clog the sebaceous gland openings.
The treatment for rosacea may vary depending on severity of the condition. Individuals with this skin condition can use self-help methods for example avoiding the aggravating elements, daily healthy skin care, and use of cosmetics to address short term effects. They may also choose medical services if the condition worsens. This includes topical therapy, oral therapy, and laser skin treatment.