Why does skin age? What happens to the skin, over the years? Skin aging is associated with genetic mechanisms and extrinsic factors. The first is due to a progressive degradation of collagen and skin are genetically determined, the latter are related to so-called free radicals that is to say all those factors associated with oxidative stress (ultraviolet radiation, smoking, stress, etc.) that contribute to the so-called extrinsic aging.
As aging occurs? What are the signs to watch out for? Signs of aging are different and age-related, I would say that the appearance of wrinkles in motion is the first fact to consider in those young people who use a lot of facial expressions as they evaluate lentigo first and first facial capillaries in young subjects who like a tan, natural or artificial it is.
Anti-aging creams, anti-aging products ... This is a trend or a step forward in combating aging skin? Is it Work? And what are possibly the most effective and proven products from the medical point of view? Anti-aging creams, like all anti-aging products represent a "mare magnum" in which there are products that have a scientific value associated to other of dubious utility.
Surely retinoic acid and in smaller percentage, retinol, are substances with proven efficacy on skin rejuvenation, so as has been shown to be effective topical antioxidant preparations with vitamin C. Another substance that has been shown to be effective is the SGA, the extract of snail, which we recently spoke about "Margaret".Others, however, often passed off as anti-aging, have the most only one activity moisturizer.
How to choose anti-aging cream? What ingredients must contain an anti-aging cream to be truly effective? The choice of an anti-aging cream must be made on the basis of the assessment of skin status, degree of aging, so after a professional estimate. The ingredients that will host (glycolic acid, retinoic acid, vitamin C, etc.) will be chosen by the specialist according to the clinical evaluation. Important role in aging, is also the choice of an appropriate solar filter.
What can we expect, realistically, one anti-aging cream? "Obviously we can not expect the disappearance of a wrinkle or a lentigo or a capillary, which is why we resort to actions dermoplastici. What we can expect it to skin a smoother, more hydrated and then automatically, the "youngest".
At what age you start using anti-aging? Must await the appearance of wrinkles or the first you have to 'prevent'? (if this is possible ...) The application of sunscreens and antioxidants should be already in my opinion early, as early as possible. The products of retinoic acid and glycolic acid should be initiated by thirty up.
What treatments (little or no invasive, let alone the most challenging operations such as lifting ...) - in addition to creams - are very effective in alleviating the signs of aging skin like wrinkles, spots and 'failure' of the features? It we talked and we always talk about your beautiful portal: hyaluronic acid for wrinkles of gravity, botox for wrinkles of expression, polylactic acid for the density of skin. Furthermore, specific and selective laser lentigo of the face and capillaries. For wrinkles, fractional ablative and non ablative lasers.
Proper eating behavior at the table may in some way help keep the skin young and supple? Certainly the recruitment of substances with antioxidant capacity contributes to slow the aging of the organism and, consequently, also the skin. This is with specific supplements, but especially with the right foods as rich in protective factors. Do not forget that the skin is always part and parcel of a more complex system, in this sense, the dermatologist plastic, as anti-aging doctor, can always be of great help.