Teenagers and children with bipolar disorders can show manic or depressive symptoms even actually it hard to recognize it because of their age-appropriate emotions and behaviors. Bipolar disorder in children often begins with major depression characterized by chronic irritability. Symptoms of bipolar disorders in children and teenagers are - severe changes in -- unreasonable angry, unusually happy, sometimes very irritable, silly, agitated or aggressive. Some of them show unrealistic highs in self-esteem, pretend to be a superhero or may start feeling very powerful or like a superman with his special powers.
They may be super hectic person with developing an increase energy and the ability to go with little or no sleep for days without feeling tired. Or may start talking too much, too fast and changes topics too frequently, without interruption due to depression. They also get distracted very easily, and attention moves constantly from one thing to another. They may also develop repetitive, high risk-taking behavior; such as abusing alcohol and drugs, reckless driving or sexual promiscuity
When a teenage is in a depression he or she may develop excessive irritability, unrelenting sadness, depressed moods, thoughts of death or suicide, frequent crying, loss of enjoyment in favorite activities, frequent complaints of physical illnesses such as headaches or stomach aches, low energy level, fatigue, poor concentration, complaints of boredom and a major change in eating or sleeping patterns, such as oversleeping or overeating.
Teenagers with bipolar disorder can be successfully treated. Treatments for bipolar disorder only work is if their families know about the illness and give the best support to help them because this disorder will make conflict in home and need more than just understanding the patient's condition. Mood stabilizing medications will often reduce the severity of manic episodes, and also help prevent depression. Psychotherapy helps a child adapt to stresses, rebuild self-esteem and enhance relationships. The diagnosis of bipolar disorders in children and teens is complicated and involves careful observation over an extended period of time.
Early treatment for bipolar disorder by an experienced medical practitioner is needed. No specific test is currently available for the detection of this illness. It is more likely to affect children of parents who have the illness. Bipolar disorders in children are usually treated with medicines such as mood stabilizers in combination with other drugs. Medication helps stabilize the child's mood and prevent worsening of symptoms.
I think, we must keep our family in love and care.... everything will be mess when love and caring is not in your home anymore!! Save your family ,moms and girls.