Migraine headaches are usually very intense one side of the head headaches and the intensity make you know it is no ordinary headache fast!. Everything can make it worsen even slight movement and Migraine headache can attacks in several time in a period. Especially for women, migraine headache prefer to attacking you!!
Here are the most commonly symptoms of migraine headache :
Sensitivity to sound
Just like sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound is a common migraine headache symptom. Suddenly you may become acutely aware of minor noises. They may bother you to the point of complete distraction.
Flashing lights
Many migraine sufferers report seeing flashing lights, zigzag lines of light or bright spots prior to the onset of a migraine headache. This may or may not be accompanied by light sensitivity. Most sufferers will feel slightly better if they lay down in a dark, quiet room.
Light sensitivity
Are your eyes sensitive to light and does it increase your pain or headache symptoms when you are confronted with a bright light? This is another common symptom. If you have this problem in particular make sure you keep the lights dim or off completely until the sensitivity subsides.
Unilateral headache
Does it feel like a throbbing or pounding pulse is going off in your head? This is one of the main symptoms of migraine headaches.
The typical migraine episode can last from 4 to 24 hours with residual effects lasting another full day. A regular headache will not last that long and is not accompanied by other symptoms.
The migraine headache typically doesn't respond to regular over the counter pain medication. While there are several prescription medications that are given for migraine headaches, they often have little effect as well.
Nausea or vomiting
Are you feeling sick or is the pain itself making you want to vomit? Many migraine sufferers report vomiting or nausea during the peak or come up of their migraines.
You may feel your hands or feet become cold right before or during the onset of a migraine. This may be due to circulation changes that occur because of restricted blood vessels in the head.
If you have any of the above symptoms you should take steps to ease your pain and gain your comfort back. Go to the doctor to gain right informations the cause of your headache and rule out any potential underlying problem. Most migraine headaches sufferers learn to recognize how the symptoms of migraine headaches starting so read the symptoms of migraine headaches above carefully and learn your own symptoms.