The causes and treatment for eating disorders have been conducted by many studies. And the result of the study says that eating disorders are recognized often occur in pre-teen and teen girls and last throughout their life to some extent. Starting from a diet, and turn into disorders, known as eating disorders.
Here are some early signs must be wared by moms :
1. Avoid to eat
A parent may simply assume that their teenagers is dislike the food or their meals at the table. Mostly, the teen will justify that they are not hunger or saying that they have eaten something before arriving at home. In this happened in many times as a parent , you must be aware that this could be the indicators of an eating disorder. And you must investigate and help them before the disorder becomes out of control. It is a parent duty to keep their child in safe and controlling is one of parent's power because if you lost controlling they do not feel in control of their lives.
Many of them , young people with eating disorders, have some conditions : they do not feel in control of their lives. They do everything they want and it's their right include everything goes into their mouths. And misunderstanding about body performance, ideal beauty look will drive them into disorder in eating.
2. Count their Food
In the beginning of eating disorder may start very gradually and be difficult to identify.Start from counting all of the items on their plate and eat a specific number of rice, peas, macaroni, etc.
3. Interest in diet and nutritions
They start collecting informations about diet and nutritions and soon starting they starting implemented a diet.
4. Comparing their own body with images in a magazine
They will compare every photo in a magazine ( mostly celebrities pictures ) spread to their own body.
5. Excessive Exercise
The eating disorder is often accompanied by compulsive exercise and the young person will know exactly how much exercise they must do to burn off the calories that they have eaten at a meal.
6. Hide their weight loss
Usually they will hide drastic weight loss from family and friends with wearing bulky or layered clothing. They will often bundle up even when the weather is warm so that people that may react negatively to the way they look. The eating disorder sufferer does not see themselves as skinny, even when they have reached the critical stages of the disorder. Their self image is one of a "fat" girl and they can look in a mirror and see every area of their body that is fat, even when there is no fat present.
7. Anorexia Symptoms ( you can read here : Anorexia Symptoms )
There are some physical indicators that a person is anorexic which can help you to identify the problem early.
8. Hair Change
An indicator that is very noticeable is the dull and thinning hair that results from a lack of the proper vitamins and nutrients that a person needs to survive. Another indicator will be that the person with eating disorders will often be overly tired and be unable to exert themselves in many sports or activities that require high energy.
From these signs you can recognize your daughter if they in eating disorders and earlier recognizing will give the best and easiest to conduct your daughter problems and help them !! You do not need a treatment for eating disorders, moms.