An Eating Disorder is a not in common problem, I mean it's serious!! Because it's kind of abuse that need other help especially from the family members because home is the first place for each people to get love and care. More over for women : mom, daughter,cousin and other women family member because in according a research that woman more need treatment for eating disorders | eating disorder treatment than man!!. And there are misunderstanding paradigm about diet so women which need treatment for eating disorder some of them because of miss understanding about diet!!
Actually , It is not so difficult to detect a person with eating disorder because even such people often hide their problem we can detect them from how the way their eating, body performance and their opinion that whatever they eat will make them put on lot of weight. And you can learn more about it in this article: Different types of eating disorders.
Eating disorders are more complicated than following unhealthy dietary regime. That is because a person suffering from an eating disorder believes firmly that they are over-weight and they consider food to be their enemy. On the other hand if you are following a diet then you are only aiming at reducing few calories in a particular time period.
The earlier you detect an eating disorders problem the sooner the benefits of the medical treatment will start showing on the patient. If you think that a member of your family or a friend is suffering from eating disorder then you must discuss the problem in a very empathetic manner. You cannot afford to be pushy with them as this will only heighten their problem. ( Read here about worst eating disorder : Anorexia Nervosa )
Try this Integrates Treatment for Eating Disorders without years of treatment.
1. Find a health care professional help that is familiar with eating disorders, preferably one that specializes in treating them. Once you've chosen a provider, you will want to find out which eating disorder you need to treat: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or addictive eating disorder.Psychotherapy is a common method used to treat a person suffering from an eating disorder. This involves individual and group therapy where loved ones talk to the patient about the eating disorder and help in bringing back their self-esteem and confidence level.
Eating Disorder professional usually is also a nutritional counselor to designs diet and nutrition chart for the patient and even educates them about healthy eating habits. Attending support groups can help a person suffering from eating disorder person to get back to leading a normal life.
2. Convince a victim of an eating disorder to do: admit that he or she is having a problem with an eating disorder. A lot of people with eating disorders simply cannot admit this, either because of their ego, their fear, their embarrassment, etc.
3. Pledge the treatment for eating disorders until the very end. Gain more determination and the support of friends and family make easily to get back to living a normal, healthy life.
The most common programs involve group therapy, and this is because most people benefit from the presence of others who can relate to them. If you have others who know what you're going through, and you know what they're going through, you can give each other emotional support and encouragement. This is a big deal, as you can make lifelong friends with many of these people.
These support groups are run by peers and not experts and their personal experiences can help patients in believing that they can successfully overcome this problem.
Treatment for eating disorders is integrate treatment and must done in very end!! But the patient must realize that they need support from the others so "open mind" is needed to give you self understanding and ask their support for your health.