Parents must realize about this condition, it could be happened to your daughters and when you find the eating disorders symptoms on them , the first things to do in seeking treatment for eating disorders for adolescents. You can read this articles about different types of eating disorders to find out what type of your daughters eating disorder and how diet is closed with eating disorders. You also must to admit to yourself that it's possible that your adolescent could be suffering from an eating disorder. You might think you're a pretty open-minded person, but it can be very hard, even for a free-thinking individual, to accept that your teenager has an eating disorder.
This is because parents will often jump to the conclusion that their child's eating disorder is all their fault, and while it is possible that they contributed (either through well-meaning advice on a child's weight, neglect, or even abuse), there are other reasons that a child could develop an eating disorder that are out of your control.
The reason all of this is important is because you need to know how you contributed to the disorder if you want to help your child recover. A parent's involvement in recovery is instrumental in helping a child who has been suffering from an eating disorder. Once you suspect that your child has been exhibiting symptoms of an eating disorder--anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge eating, as examples--you should immediately seek professional help for your adolescent.
In large cities, there are often many clinics and intensive care centers that can help with eating disorders. While many of these can be very helpful, they are often residential programs where the adolescent is forced to stay in a hospitalization program, which is a major disruption to their regular lives. In smaller towns, they usually lack the large clinics and the wider variety of expert therapists.
Until now, there is no standard practice when it comes to treatment for eating disorders in adolescents but most programs strongly encourage the involvement of the adolescent's family in the treatment process. How the treatment for eating disorders teenagers work? They are the following:
- Diagnosis all about health risks associated with dysfunctional weight control practices.
- Do Treatment, should be a lower symptom levels than for adults.
- Nutritional Management, Consider of the patient's age, stage in puberty, and current physical activity level.
- Family-based Treatment, Family take a part in process of treatment for eating disorders.
In general, an adolescent may be treated either in his or her own home, or at a local clinic. Typically, adolescents start in outpatient treatment with regular visits to both the medical and mental health providers, and then they progress to more intensive treatment once their conditions is better understood and they haven't responded positively enough to prior treatment.
It is critical to customize the treatment plan to each individual adolescent. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment for eating disorders in adolescents. If you want to make sure to maximize the chance of helping an eating disorder victim, you have to personalize their recovery, including their diet, their exercise, and their therapy.
What some people fail to realize is that an eating disorder is as much a mental issue as it is physical. Most people recognize the problems inherent in developing an eating disorder, so it's important to approach the problem from their mental state and work from there.
As family, we must take care each others and eating disorders in our family could be one of indicators for take care level in the house. So, we should do not need a treatment for eating disorder also other treatment such drug and alcohol if we keep our family in connection. So, before you get that problems just ask you self how your communication in your family so far? And how much do you effort to take keep your family in warm and love.