lf you visit your doctor, riot much shows up on examination. A lovelorn heart still pumps away, somehow oblivious to the gaping hole it harbors. An insomniac brain tethered to ai fancy monitor usually just registers as awake. Although you may be certain some switch is stuck in the “on`° position, it doesn’t show up on the scans.
Despite your clean bill of health, both heartsickness and sleeplessness feel as if they have changed you, irreversibly, to the core. You muddle through your days and dread the approach of night. Instead of attending to your work or to your children, your mind continually driits back toward your plight. Advice emanates from friends, strangers, doctors, TV, books, and magazines, all Well-meaning and aiming to set you right: " You should get out more at night"; "Maybe it‘s time for a vacation"; "Here, take this pilI."
It’s a fair bet that you`ve followed plenty of such advice, only to discover that it helps for just a little while, if at all. After enough disappointments, you've probably begun to lose faith you will ever be healed.
That`s why we want to assure you at the outset that we have the experience to help you sleep again. We are both clinical psychologists and specialists in the evaluation and treatment of sleep disorders, each with more than twenty-five years of experience helping thousands of patients successfully overcome their insomnia. We are Diplomates of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and codirectors of Sleep Disorders Centers accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. And we constructed what has become a standard developmental model of insomnia, one that is now regularly taught to aspiring sleep specialists around the world. Although we have explained the workings of this model many times to professionals and to our patients, this hook contains its first presentation to readers who are suffering with insomnia.
Regardless of the type of insomnia you are contending with, we can help you improve your sleep. We will show you how to achieve more restful sleep—even if you have already followed sound sleep hygiene recommendations, such as cutting back on caffeine or avoiding day-time naps, We can help even if your insomnia has defied the purchase of a fancy new mattress, grueling gym workouts, Valerian tea at bedtime, or the latest hypnotic medication.
Insomnia can act like quicksand—the harder you try to climb out of its grasp, the deeper you become mired. Almost every remedy works on occasion, sometimes even for a few nights in a row. Just when you're thinking you`ve found the answen howeven sleep refuses tn play along. Your brain is somehow able to resist both modern psychopharmacology and traditional folk wisdom and cling to its sleepless ways.
Given this kind of experience, we wouldn't blame you for feeling skeptical about our therapeutic claims. What are we offering that you haven’t already tried? The answer may be surprising—aIthough perhaps not to those who know how to respond when engulfed in quicltsend: we will show you how to be std! when unable to sleep, still in both body and mind. We will teach you how to stop trying to sleep. and instead rely on scientilic principles to position yourself for sleep. just as a surfer matches a wave. We will help you change attitude and behaviors that, although developed in response to insomnia, only serve to perpetuate it.
We will start by exploring how thinking about sleep affects your ability to achieve that state. After enough experience with sleeplessness, sleeping ceases to be a "no-brainer"—a state that automatically follows a period of wakefulness Instead, it becomes something to dwell on and worry about—a performance issue. Doubts and anxieties trick your mind into becoming its own saboteur you may think you long for sleep with all your might, yet some small, unruly port of your brain still manages to mount a successful resistance against that objective. We will show you how to detach yourself from sleep, how to stop striving for it and straining against it at the same time.
Second. we will apply nevrfotmd scientifie insights to help you position yourself for sleep. Our program is based nn a model of circadian rhythms developed and refined in research labs over the last twenty years but. not yet widely known to the general public. We integrate this newly discovered understanding of the physiology of sleep with a comprehensive approach to the psychology of sleep that will orient hoth your body and mind toward a restful night.
Third, we will show you how to distinguish the Factors that led to your sleep problem from those that are maintaining it. This is not some dry academic exercise, but essential to getting you hack to sleep. Targeting the right problems can improve sleep with surprising speed, while at the same time helping you avoid months
or years of fruitless effort. You may be surprised to Iearn that sometimes the experience that triggers insomnia (salient or even traumatic as that experience may be) is not the best place to intervene therapeutically.
This article are copyrighted material and only for promote The Insomnia Answer: A Personalized Program for Identifying and Overcoming purpose, this book recommended book by many expert and will your insomnia answer for all of your questions about insomnia.