Drink and Sleep Badly

Whether men or women to have the habit of drinking it makes no difference, alcohol causes problems in the rest enough to unleash their true sleep disorder when you're drunk.Psychologists at the University of Melbourne conducted a study showing that sleep quality of persons who were alcohol addicts is significantly worse than those who are not.

The tests were conducted on 42 alcoholics of both sexes who had been subjected to a hospital or treatment program to treat alcohol dependence.

In people who had not drunk for over 719 days has highlighted the poor quality of sleep with a rate of release of slow-wave sleep and a significantly lower. This, the researchers note, may be indicative of cognitive decline as best we alcoholics.

The insignificant differences noted between the two sexes show that both women and men have the same general pattern of changes of sleep related to alcoholism.

The study coordinator, dr. Ian Colrain, was surprised to note that there was a marked increase in percentage of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) normally associated with the phase in which we dream that in the alcoholics had lasted for a particularly long.

Alcohol, emphasizes Colrain, damages the frontal cortex and this is reflected in a psychic damage that also includes the distortion of judgment and risk taking.
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