Safe Liposuction and Fat Transfer (Basic and Clinical Dermatology)
How much is liposuction? This question is need answer by a lot of people since the cost so vary, sometime question be detail like how much does tumescent liposuction? Actually to know more about it , you should understanding all aspect about liposuction surgery so you can estimate the cost well and proper. Read below article to find out more information about it
The history of practical modern liposuction in the United States began in 1982. when several physicians. including the author. visited Paris to take courses given by Yves Illouz and Pierre Fournier of France and Georgio Fischer of Italy. The experience of these physicians plus tlte innovations by lllouz made liposuction a technique destined to become the most popular cosmetic surgery within only a tew years. lllouz pioneered three innovative changes.
These included the use of blunt cannulas to push vital tissues such as blood vessels and nerves out of the way. the injection of small amounts of a hypotonic saline solution into the tissue prior to surgery. and the popularization of the technique worldwide. The use of blunt cannulas and a wet technique markedly decreased bleeding and left vertical septae, which kept the blood and nerve supply to the overlying tissue. The honeycombed tunnels produced in the fat allowed the skin to collapse rather than form large cavities in which fluid or blood could accumulate as hematomas or seromas. lllouz calls this "adipoasplration by tunnelizattion." He started using these improvements in 1977 to stuck out a lipoma on the back of a French movie actress who wanted only a small scar on her decolleté.
After experience with many patients he presented the findings at at meeting of the American Society for Plastic and Recontructive Surgery in Hawaii in october 1982. The procedure had already been presented in France in the late 1970s and in Japan in 1980. The following year., 1983 these findings were published.
Prior to these intprovements. the history of liposuction was marked by complications. In 1921, Charles Dujarrier performed the first known Iipectomy on at baIlerina`s knees and calves using a sharp curette with resulting blood vessel injury necessitating amputation. In the 1960s Schrudde used sharp curettage to remove fat through small incisions. This technique produced bleeding, seromas, and other complications. Other physicians also attempted sharp curettage and en bloc resection without success until the Fischers in the mid 1970s. The Fishers invented a blunt hollow electric cannula attached to a suction machine but unfortunately had problems with bleeding and and hernatomas from the sharp blade within the cannula that cut off fat. The incidence of seroma reported by Fischer was 30%.
Many surgeons such as Pierre Fournier preferred the dry technique with no Iluid injection. They felt that the fluid distorted the tissue und the results were harder for the surgeon to judge. This technique required drains and a hospital stay because of bleeding and was soon totally replaced by the wet technique. Experienced surgeons do not find the fluid distortion a problem. In fact, Dr. Fournier, using a wet technique, has tirelessly taught tumescent liposuction around the world and we are all grateful to him. He has kindly authored several chapters in this text.
In 1977, Larry Field. a dermatologie surgeon attettended a cosmetic surgery meeting in Paris. where he observed the Fischers and Pierre Fournier perform liposuction using the Fischer`s nachine. Other physicians in several specialties visited Ilouz and Fournier to study liposuction in the early 1980s. including Claude Caver and Arthur Sumrall. two dermatologists who learned the technique in mid-1982.
In the fall of 1982. during the course in Iiposuction given by lllozu, Fournier. and Fischer that l took, members of a task force from the American Society of PIastic and Reconstructive Surgery came to ocserve. I brought a suction aspiration machine and lllozu cannulas home from Paris and started doing small procedures. I used a wet technique. injecting a few cubic centimeters of the hypotonic seline solution every 2 cm as described by lllouz. Subsquently, I went back to Paris several times over the next year to study with him.
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