Vitamin D acts beneficially on different tissues and in particular the prostate, and breast- There are studies which refer to the proapoptotic action, antimetastatica and anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating of this vitamin. It takes just two hours per day of exposure in hours less hot, to produce the concentration of vitamin D help the body. Numerous studies confirm its anti-cancer action, and its lack leads to an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer up to 253%. "
Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem in the world: the factors that influence the cutaneous production are the type of pigmentation of the skin, skin care products, the timing of exposure, age, latitude and season ' year. Summer is definitely the best time to sunbathe but sometimes the changes in life styles and the same excessive fear of developing skin cancer risk causing more harm than good. The Board then sun exposure in moderation, using appropriate protective filters to your skin type, that type of skin, avoiding the hottest hours of the day, if you really want to stay on the beach, remembering to cover herself with a shirt and a hat.