Patients admitted to this Center participate in a two-year therapy program. The staff will in each individual case determine the date on which the patient enters effectively into treatment and the date on which the patient is ready to be transferred to the outpatient phase of treatment.
A. Phases of Treatment for alcoholism
Phase One : Observation and Detoxication
Upon admission to The Chemical Dependency Treatment and Rehabilitation Center you will be placed under the close observation ofthe medical and nursing stalls for as long as required to:
- Insure your safe and complete withdrawal from alcohol and/or other mood-changing chcrnicala
- Examine your general state of halth.
- Determine the extent tn which other hospital services may be necessary during your treatment period.
Phase Two : Inpatient Treatment for alcoholism
After withdrawal, you will enter a period of inpatient therapy designed to help you:
- Identify your illness.
- Accept your condition as a chronically diseased person.
- Formulate your personal rehabilitation program.
- Continue medical treatment as needed under the care of your private physician.
- Become familiar with the Twelve-Step Program of AIcoholics Anonymous, which in practice lies been proven effective.
Phase Three. Outpatient Treatment for alcoholism
Because harmful chemical dependence is a chronic condition. each patient is to remain in weekly contact with the non medical program of treatment for a period of time up to two years after inpatient discharge. Continuing group experiences are designed to meet special problem areas in the initial stages of recovery. You will be expected to return to the Chemical Dependency Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for:
- A weekly therapy session.
- Consultation and counseling with sta! members as required for your continued successful recovery and rehabilitation.
For a continuing program of recovery, outpatients, spouses, and families are expected to attend:
- Weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in your community.
- Weekly Alnnon meetings for the spouse.
- Weekly Alateen meetings for the teenagers.
B. Elements of Nonmedical Inpatient Treatment
I. Education
Through 54 lectures. selected films. and prescribed readings, you receive current and accurate information concerning:
- The nature and dynamics of your progressive and chronic disease.
- The physical, social. and personality deteriorations which accompany it.
- The basic understanding of a method for achieving and maintaining a comfortable way of life free from further dependence upon mood-changing chemicals.
ll. Group Therapy
Repeated experiences in groups of people who sulfer from the same adliction provide you with encounters designed to confront and break down defense mechanisms and negative attitudinal postures which always accompany chemical addiction.
Group therapy enables you to recognize and accept:
- Who you are.
- Which specillc attitudes and behavior patterns must be modified in order to live comfortably without dependence on harmful chemicals.
lll. Individual and Family Counseling
Particular life problems vary from patient to patient and other members of your family are inevitably involved in the disruptions caused by your illness. Therefore both individual and family counseling are viewed as essential to successful rehabilitation.
Multidisciplinary Treatment for alcoholism
Alcoholism and other chemical dependencies are chronic diseases adbcting the total personality and all the interpersonal relations of its victims. Chemically dependent persons typically sutfer progressive deterioration of physical, emotional, mental. and spiritual health. Their addiction to mood·changing chemicals produces this havoc.
A life free from all chernicals is difficult to achieve. For the addict. it is a terrifying prospect. Lacking inner security, he grows overly dependent upon external things and people, demanding of them support. they cannot provide. As there fail him, he turns to chemicals increasingly until they not only fail to sustain him, but enslave him, dominating his entire life. Unless and until he achieves personal integrity and attains inner security. he is powerless to live free from chemicals.
No one specific treatment has been discovered which is capable of producig these requisites for recovery. Therefore. to suocessfully arrest alcoholism a total multidisciplinary treatment is necessary; involving medical, behavioral, and social science. and philosophical and theological wisdom.
Read more : I'll Quit Tomorrow: A Practical Guide to Alcoholism Treatment
Talk about Treatment for Alcoholism, you should need a little research the Treatment programs because each people have different condition, this book is good book to find out what about Treatment program for Alcoholism.
* Note : This article is copyrighted material program and only use for promotion purpose of this book.