French Aid Workers Kidnapped In Yemen - 28th May 2011

Three French aid workers are believed to have been kidnapped in southern Yemen, according to reports.

The two women and a man went missing in the country's southern province of Hadramount on Saturday afternoon, a local security official has said.

The French Foreign Ministry has confirmed that the three are missing but has said it is unclear whether they have been abducted.

It said: "We confirm that we are aware of the disappearance of some French citizens in Yemen. We are talking about three people.

"We are not yet in a position to say whether they have been kidnapped."

Security forces are combing the area for the missing workers, who are believed to have been seized after leaving a restaurant.

Kidnappings of Western tourists or workers by tribes seeking ransom or concessions from the government have been frequent in Yemen, one of the poorest Arab countries.

Most of the hostages have been freed unharmed.

The local official said the three work for an organisation called Triangle Generation Humanitaire which has operations in Yemen including aiding Somali refugees and helping provide clean water in the southern port of Aden. Source

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