Social media creates new teen ailment -- 'Facebook depression'
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on 8:59 AM
Doctors say what may seem fun and innocent may actually be leading teens into what's being termed "Facebook Depression."
If you're a teenager you're most likely on a social networking site like "Facebook." For most it's a fun, easy way to keep in touch and find out what's going on with friends. But new research shows a growing number of youngsters who obsess over the on-line sites may be headed down a troubled path.
The American Academy of Pediatrics warns of a new problem called "Facebook Depression." It results from being bombarded with friends tallies, status updates, and photos of people happy, having the time of their lives, when you are not.
"If I’m just like sad or something and just kind of chillin’ at home and I see pictures of people having a party I’m like oh that's awesome… like I’m not there... that's kind of depressing,” explained high school student Elizabeth Kisch. But Kisch also says she doesn't take Facebook too seriously.
“It's very easy to compare yourself to others when you just see what they show in their Facebook page which may or may not match reality,” explained Dr. Ken Ensroth, a child and adolescent psychiatrist. (read more)