Breastfeeding exclusively and optimally will make the baby grow up healthy, strong, and intelligent. How come? Breast milk contains nutrients and provides immunity for the baby 20 times.
In the milk contained more than 200 elements of matter which is very beneficial for infant growth. That substances such as egg whites, fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, growth hormones, various enzymes, immune substances, and others.
Too bad there are still many people who do not understand very well that breast milk has an unparalleled value compared with formula or other food supplements. This fact must be socialized in a more vigorous and ongoing.
Excess milk is located primarily in the specialties. Horse milk is suitable for a baby horse, a giraffe milk for the baby giraffe. Human babies also will be much better if given the most suitable milk, ie milk, not dairy animals.
Therefore, we know breast milk is often called exclusively breastfed (exclusive breast feeding). Special addition because it comes from the same species, namely humans, can adjust the content of breast milk your baby needs with the development of his age.
Breast milk out at birth until the day of the 4th or the 7th is called colostrum. Breast milk out on the day of the 7th until the 10th or the 14th after birth is called transition milk. Milk that came out after the 14th day of birth is mature breast milk. Nutritional composition of the three types of milk are each different.
In fact there are differences in the composition of milk from minute to minute. For example, the fat content in milk during 3-5 days-old infant was 1.85 g / dl. At 15-18 days of age infants, the fat content became 3.06 g / dl.
30 Minutes After Birth
On the first day after birth, breast milk nutrient content is very high. That AT LEAST 30 minutes or half an hour after birth, the baby must be nursed her mother. At that time the mother's milk to produce colostrum, or early milk and watery yellowish color.
Colostrum is rich in nutrients and antibodies that serve to protect the baby from infection. Colostrum will appear again 30 hours later. That means if the baby does not immediately get the first colostrum, he lost his high nutritive substances from the mother.
Although the baby still had a chance to get it, then colostrum production is only 30 milliliters per day. That means, the colostrum produced only one milliliter in one hour.
Of course this is very less. In fact, colostrum contains proteins, minerals, and vitamins A, E, and B12. Colostrum contains even less fat and sugar than the milk produced in the following days.
Functionally, colostrum play clean water and mucus bile (meconium) in the baby's digestive tract. This is very important because at the time after birth, babies are very susceptible to infection and a very new environment for him. Colostrum also will eliminate hunger in newborns without being accompanied by intake of sugar or milk formula.
Breast milk out on the first five minutes is called foremilk. Different composition of milk is out then or hindmilk. Foremilk is more dilute, high protein and low carbohydrates.
While hindmilk high carbohydrates, low protein, and fat content 4-5 times more than the foremilk. Hindmilk filling this baby.
Immune Substances Heritage
In addition to filling, colostrum contains immunoglobulins or immune substances. Kinds of proteins in charge of fighting infection in the body is not owned by the dairy animals. Content of these substances in the colostrum until 17 about 10 times more than in mature breast milk. That caused breastfed babies have optimal immune 15 to 20 times better.
Actually, the baby's body had begun to make their own antibodies immediately after birth. However, the new antibodies that will reach the peak of its strength at the age of nine infants to 12 months.
Therefore, breastmilk is an antibody of the strongest support for the early growth of the baby. Moreover because breast milk contain millions of white blood cells are useful for killing germs in the intestines evil baby.
Content of these immune substances truly amazing. Immune mothers against various diseases will be passed to the baby through breast milk. If a mother has no immunity to the five agents of disease, the baby will also get the same inheritance.
The effectiveness of the use of breast milk will feel it when the baby was nursing his own mother. When the two mothers gave birth and her baby got mixed up, milk given by the two will not match even though no side effects in infants.
First Six Months
Given that breast milk is the most suitable food for babies, WHO recommends that for ages 0 to six months of breast-fed babies as the main menu and the only one. This suggestion is reasonable because in addition to having setipe and immune substances, content of milk can also educate the baby.
In Taurine in breast milk are very important in the formation of brain cells, nerve cells, and retina. Taurine is an amino acid that is used to help absorb fats and vitamins are fat soluble. Taurine also helps regulate heartbeat, stabilize the cell membrane, and maintain continuity of brain cells.
In addition, Taurine also contains long-chain fat. This fat-forming precursor arachidonic acid (ARA) or linoleic acid (omega-6) and Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA) or alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). Both materials are known to very useful in the development of the nervous system of the brain and the sense of sight. DHA and ARA is not found in cow's milk or other animal's milk.
While in formula (cow's milk made with the addition of other materials) has said DHA and ARA, intestinal absorption baby will not be optimal, only about 20 percent. In fact, DHA and ARA are found in breast milk can be absorbed by the baby's gut as much as 100 percent with the help of the enzyme lipase.
Optimal absorption of DHA and ARA that make baby's brain development of the maximum. Intelligence will continue to increase, especially when up to 12 months of age she was still breast-fed, in addition to other extra food benefit.
Healthy Soul and Body
Benefits of breast milk is not only related to physical health. Effects on mental health also. Exclusive breastfeeding is part of the education of children. Breast milk not only educate the child in terms of the brain, but also the heart and spirituality.
Although it still needs further research to conclude that, while this description may help to explain the concept. While in the womb, babies are in heaven as a very soothing and reassuring.
Amniotic fluid are due to alternating cycles have always been like a gentle caress, the womb where the baby is sleeping protect them from danger, like a mother's heartbeat that melodious singing lulled him, and mother's breath as a rocking swing. The atmosphere is really comfortable and both the baby dead.
When born, the baby really was surprised with the other world at all with what he felt before. Many strange things must be faced. The only thing that can be trusted is the mother. Therefore, feeding is a very appropriate therapy to restore an atmosphere that is felt during a baby in the womb.
Hugs and gentle caress of the mother during breast-feeding makes babies feel safe and secure. The serenity that come to support the growth of the baby better.
Especially if the mother read the words of wisdom like the Bible. Babies will growing expectations of the mother, to be good and pious.