Cosmetic medicine to rejuvenate the face and erase wrinkles is an alternative increasingly followed.
Through facial filler (small injections), we can eliminate the first wrinkles in less than a 'now. The face is a filler injection which is practiced by the doctor with a needle-thin aesthetic, and is performed with local anesthesia. Time for a lunch break and facial wrinkles are removed with hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin.
Filler Face: to remove the wrinkles of the forehead, cheekbones and cheeks swell, raise the eyebrows and remove the bags under the eyes
There are different types of fillers that the doctor uses aesthetic treatment of facial wrinkles, depending on the specific case and the personal needs of the patient. The filler "soft" are injected superficially easily and effect lasts 3-4 months. There are also filler "dense" but had to be injected more deeply, the duration of these facial fillers is higher than one year. Eliminate facial wrinkles with the filler does not mean eliminating expressive face, the final result of treatment with anti-wrinkle filler-face is natural.
It is important to consult qualified specialists, product information, which is injected through the filler-face and discuss with your doctor aesthetic result you want to achieve. With facial filler (single injection) used in cosmetic medicine today are unable to intervene in many areas of the face that were once reserved only to cosmetic surgery: with facial fillers (Botox and hyaluronic acid) may also raise an eyebrow and inflate cheekbones and cheeks.
To remove the bags under the eyes is used hyaluronic acid filler. Even the wrinkles of the forehead (one of the most difficult to treat) can be leveled with the filler. Usually with the aesthetic medicine you can dab 's aging of the face for 5 years: just an annual event from the medical aesthetics. The majority of taxpayers to the scalpel and cosmetic surgery until later, for finalizing the results.