When did you find yourself pregnant? Many respondents who reported that he had detect / see signs of pregnancy after a late menstrual and pregnancy test pregnancy tests use a lot of freely sold in pharmacies.Apparently if you only know after that period, the fetus is growing and developing inside your body for 1 month without any dietary / special nutrients contained in milk pregnancy.
It is natural that at the beginning of pregnancy the mother did not know that she was pregnant let alone in the first pregnancy. In the next period's schedule will be slightly up with blood which then regarded as normal menstruation. However, if further observed, these spots is one sign of pregnancy is called a sign Hartman.
Hartman Signs of a similar blood menstrual blood, unlike menstrual Hartman signs are usually much less. That although the form of blood spots, a sign Hartman is not dangerous for both mother and fetus. But, for women who feel this blood is too much when pregnancy test says positive it may be useful to consult a doctor immediately.
To ensure that mothers really pregnant, the following are signs of pregnancy can women feel during the transition from not pregnant to be pregnant:
- Changes in the body sense
- Pain bloating and pain that comes when the breast is pressed
- Often not well
In the early weeks of pregnancy this is usually the mother does not realize that she was pregnant. This is because it changes that happened to him was not so he feels, if it is felt, some people may consider it only as an ordinary illness.
This is what self harm a fetus and / babies because mothers tend not to keep the intake of nutrients they eat or even keep doing the things prohibited in pregnancy such as traveling on an airplane or taking drugs - drugs that are sold freely on the market without a doctor's advice. In certain circumstances, because pregnant women do not keep the condition may be out of mole-mole blood then only be regarded as normal menstrual / menstrual little too late from the usual schedule.
For this reason, usually a few colleagues advise pregnant women who want to consume milk at the time of pregnancy to occur conception / fertilization, the fetus can grow and develop with optimal nutrition.
To ensure there is spouse of pregnancy should be particularly diligent mother pregnancy test by using pregnancy test kits are sold freely in pharmacies and other health stores.
Pregnancy test kits work by detecting the pregnancy hormone (HCG hormone) released by the mother / woman / female. This tool is typically used at the time 1 - 2 weeks late period. The most appropriate time to conduct the test is in the morning when the pregnancy hormone (HCG hormone) woman / wife have accumulated so that the urine / piss first issued containing the pregnancy hormone (HCG hormone) is very high.
Even if the tool is then gave a negative result, you do not rush to conclusions that the mother / wife not pregnant. Assay which gave a negative result indicates only that the pregnancy test is not able to detect the pregnancy hormone (HCG hormone) in urine / pee mother / wife.
Some of the things that cause errors pregnancy test kits are:
- The damage to the device
- Error usage
- When the use of inappropriate
- Error saving pregnancy test
- The disruption of hormones in the mother / wife so that the tool can give pregnancy test negative and positive results