Least safe exercise while pregnant, to some extent influenced by gestational age and expectant mother's body condition, which must be different in each person.
Dr Phaidon L. Toruan, MM, lifestyle fitness expert, explains exercise should be done after the first trimester. Or after 12 weeks of gestation or three months. At that time the fetus is quite strong, so safe for expectant mothers to physical activity.
Is there a certain gestational age of pregnant women who made it is not permissible exercise? Dr Phaidon, who recently published a book Fat Loss not Weight Loss, say, the conditions will be prospective mother who is very influential. He continued, if you have a strong physical, mild exercise can be done at a young age pregnancy.
"Sometimes the mothers often do not even realize she was pregnant, while still exercising. What matters primarily is the condition of his health, not just the eyes of gestation," he explained.
If you have a history of weak content, at least consult a doctor first to ensure your physical condition and the condition of the fetus in the womb.