Not be denied, until now the mother's milk is the best baby food until 6-month-old baby. Ingredients in breast milk that the complex is relatively easy to digest and much needed baby, irreplaceable by any formula milk.
This is why many parties incessantly promote exclusive breastfeeding for the future of the nation's next generation. Given the important role of breastfeeding in order to grow and the baby's development.
Remember, the quality of breast milk can also be decreased if the mother's nutritional status deteriorated. If this continues, might the child's nutritional needs can not be fully met. Well, to improve the quality of breast milk, following a few tips for mothers.
1. Balanced Eating Consumption of daily food that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are balanced. Remember, the amount of food consumed by nursing mothers must do more than usual. In the first 3 months, it takes about 500 calories more than usual. While content above the age of 3 months, about 700 calories more than usual.
2. Stay Sports Perform regular exercise with the aim of relaxation to be a happy mood. Sport can be a mild and regular activity with sufficient duration, such as a healthy way or aerobics. The atmosphere is happy emotion will increase the production of hormones that support breastfeeding.
3. Consumption of Calcium and Iron Breast Milk is a source of calcium is needed to improve the quality of the child bone. If breast-feeding mothers feel pain in the bones of the complaint, should immediately increase the intake of calcium. How to eat food sources of calcium, such as fish and drink the special milk lactating mothers containing DHA, folic acid, calcium, vitamins, iron, and the prebiotic FOS. If necessary, also the consumption of supplements containing calcium.
4. Many Vegetables and Fruit More consumption of green vegetables to increase iron intake to counteract the anemia in mothers and babies. Consumption of more fruit as anti-oxidants that can not easily sick mother.
5. Rest Enough Strive to rest enough to suppress the stress that would inhibit milk production. In the first 4-8 weeks, usually the mother needs to stay up to breastfeed. Adjust your sleep time just a mother with a baby sleep time, and 7-8 breaks a day