1. Currently breastfeeding
Breast milk Still the best milk for premature babies. Premature babies proved have a heartbeat to be more stable if given breast milk. Breast milk of mothers who gave birth to premature babies has duality IgA, Lactoferrin, Lysozym more than the breast milk of mothers who gave birth on time (quite a month). Therefore, as far as possible give premature babies breast milk. Except for certain conditions, such as the mother is exposed to certain diseases.
Ensure that premature babies get enough milk. Feed the baby every 1.5-2 hours, to measure the baby's fluid intake is to look at her wet diaper, 6-8 wet diapers every day is good.
Premature babies are generally easy to feel tired to drink. When the baby was not very good suction power, extorted and breastfeeding should be given with a spoon or cup slowly and try not to choke. Higher head position, can prevent the baby to choke.
Indeed need extra patience when breastfeeding a premature baby. Sometimes the mother who gave birth to a premature baby only have a little milk out there that do not even come out. Try the mother does not stress that current milk production.
2. When bath
Premature babies are more susceptible to infection. Parents must be careful to keep clean. One important step is to appeal to anyone who would hold the baby to wash their hands first. If there's a sick family member should be far away from the baby.
Take care of premature infants with the cleanliness of bathing. Better bathing than just wiping . Wiping is imperfect to up dirt. Premature babies bathe with warm water (can be tested by using the elbow or wrist), with temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius. Use a gentle baby soap without the foam. Avoiding soap with detergent. Rub your baby's skin slowly with a soft sponge.
Clean the eyes with cotton soaked in sterile water. Also use sterile water to wipe the face, breast-fed infant after completion. Especially the mouth from oral trush (candida infection) from the mother, pacifier or bottle.
Clean the skin folds of the thighs, neck, behind the ear, and armpit. Baby's skin is often affected due to lack of neonatal miliaria clean and too damp.
The umbilical cord will usually 6-7 days crowbar. Umbilical cord smelly, wet and reddish marks the infected infants. Do not wear tight cloth because his breathing pattern of preterm infants abdominotorakal (more dominant in the stomach). Cloth diapers should be changed immediately whenever wet with urine or pup. Baby's bottom was cleaned with sterile water and then dried using a towel. Wet baby's bottom or abrasions should be given an antiseptic or anti-fungal ointment.
3. Maintain body temperature
One of the problems premature babies is not yet stable body temperature. Maintain body temperature ranges from 36-37 degrees Celsius. Parents must arrange so that the surrounding environment does not trigger an increase or decrease the baby's body temperature. Do not expose babies to cigarette smoke. When using the AC, adjust at a temperature of 28-29 degrees Celsius.
When bathing, do not let the water is too hot or too cold. Do not bathe or touch the baby with a cold hand. Baby clothes made of cotton should be lightweight, thin, easily washable and allows the baby can move freely.
4. At bedtime
Generally, premature babies sleep more than babies. But he also woke up more often. Average sleep period is shorter. Therefore, soften and reduce the brightness of light and the sound of the music.
Sleep the baby sprawl / on his back to avoid sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Try always on his back positions. Avoid the mattress is too soft.
5. Immunization
Premature infant immunization schedule similar to normal babies born. But he must wait for the age and weight sufficient to give a good response to immunization.
With immunization, the body makes substances inflame anti baby, but premature infants are often not capable. Hence the first immunization delayed about 1-2 months, equivalent to a response to a baby who was born just months. In addition, his weight is good, approximately 3kg.