Researchers from the Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin, Professor Sven Silburn tells us there is evidence that shows the relationship between mental health nursing with a person.
If the baby is breastfed, the body of the baby will get serotonin anti stress is a lot of substance formed within the first 2 years of the baby's life.
This will anti stress substance into the body that makes the child becomes irritable, avoiding stress and depression and reduce the possibility of mental disorder as adults.
On the contrary attitude of adults irritability, easy stress, depression and easily prone to mental disorders could be one factor the lack of intake of serotonin when the baby is not getting milk alias.
People who get breast milk in infancy also tend to have better behavior, avoid violence nature, negligence, improve intelligence and avoid selfishness. This is because when feeding children get enough attention from parents, so children do not have to look for attention with bad behavior.
Because the negative effects if not given breast milk carried to adulthood, the researchers recommend that mothers exclusively breastfeed their children because the children are breastfed will have a better behavior.
While the formulas tend to contain manganese (Mn) high, these substances can make the child a quick stress and anger. If this continues, it becomes possible when an adult child has bad behavior.
A study reported in the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association found that parents who provide breast milk in infancy tend to be rarely reported behavior problems in children.
"This is the preliminary findings, but this was shown when the parents are not feeding their children will have an impact on behavior during childhood or when he grew up," said Dr. Katherine Hobbs Knutson, as quoted by AP.
Based on the results of this study found people who consume milk as an infant has the possibility of behavioral disorders 37 percent lower compared with those who were not breastfed.
Milk should be the only option for new-born babies until 6 months old, but it would be even better if the milk still given to infants aged 2 years.
Thus making the emotional bond between mother and son became stronger, it also makes the behavior of breastfed child better than children who are not breastfed at all.