Make Your Baby Wonderful Sleeping At Night

Often at night when parents can not sleep well because the baby is often awake. If parents want their babies to sleep longer at night, change the way your baby sleep during the day so that your baby when you sleep more soundly at night.

Babies who are fed according to the time when babies are hungry and carried her mother's lap during the day will make such patterns nap dozing. This will be useful to save time and will have a bed to sleep the night time is longer.

Actually the baby sleep cycle is shorter sleep cycles than adults, because infants have a period that does not sleep more soundly than sound sleep. Because the medical definition to sleep through the night is sleeping in five hours continuously.

Babies usually wake up 2-3 times every night since the new-born babies until 6 months of age, the age of 1-2 times for the 6 months to a year and up 1 time at age one to two years.

There are several ways that can be done by parents in order to make their babies sleep well at night, as quoted from the article The Baby Book William Sears and Martha Sears :
  1. Help your child understand that it is time to eat during the day and night time to sleep or rest. Try to feed your baby every 3 hours during the day.
  2. Hold your baby during the day. Increased frequency of closeness and intimacy enhance the tranquility and calm your baby during the day tend to be quiet at night.
  3. Try to breastfeed your baby until full before bed and when baby wakes up at night.
  4. Wear the right clothes to bed. Try to use a variety of baby pajamas to see what clothes to help her sleep more quietly. Generally, babies can sleep better if the dress is made of cotton.
  5. Lay down the baby in the mother's hand. The warmth of his mother can provide the extra touch needed to help your baby fall asleep while giving a gentle tap on the baby's back or buttocks. Remove the hand slowly in order not to wake him.
  6. Make a quiet place to sleep. Generally baby can get used to not wake up with the voices often heard, but will wake up when they hear a sudden sound or startled.
  7. Determine the temperament of a baby at night. Every baby is different temperament, a baby can calm myself but there is also the whining when he woke up. If you quickly to your baby before you actually wake up, it's easier to put him to sleep again.
Parents can not force the baby to sleep. Creation of a safe environment and comfortable is the best way to get baby to sleep faster and sleep periods are longer, so the baby will not wake up at night.
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