Which is Better for Babies, Dot or Thumb?

Babies have a strong need to suck, this is because the baby sucking his thumb while still in the womb. For babies sucking is a very pleasant entertainment. But now many parents are giving their babies pacifiers on. While a little baby crying mother hurriedly put the pacifier into his mouth to stop his crying baby.

Actually which one is better, using a pacifier or thumb? Apparently they have different plus minus. But both are better used for emergency situations should not be a habit because they have a bad effect.

As quoted from The Baby Book written by William & Martha Sears, should pacifier or thumb sucking is used to meet the needs are urgent and not to replace parenting.

However when the crying, the baby much prefer if he was lifted and carried over to the dot gift.

Allowing the child's thumb sucking most easily performed. Impossible thumbs dirty or fall to the floor and it was better for the baby because a baby can make adjustments to the position according to his needs. Noteworthy is the condition and the length of the nail so as not to hurt the roof of his mouth.

But the bad effects, if too much thumb-sucking habit will be difficult to eliminate up to go to kindergarten.

That does not mean better use of the dot, because pacifiers more easily lost, dirty and a source of various microorganisms. If the dot is used when the baby is still exclusively breastfed, then it can cause the baby has nipple confusion that would hamper breastfeeding. Yet eliminating pacifier use can be more easily compared with the thumbs.

Some babies are sensitive to a particular dot of texture, taste and smell. Also dot has a narrow base so baby just opened a little mouth that can cause the baby suck less power.

But experts suggested that the habit of giving a pacifier or thumb sucking is just as necessary.
If a pacifier or suck your thumb can be used continuously bad for teeth structure and become slow to speak for or suck was too busy sucking your thumb.

Breastfeeding is one way to meet the baby's sucking needs and avoid the habit of thumb sucking or pacifier use.
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