Expert fertility clinic in London was saddened by the increasing number of women 'vulnerable age' who face problems in their pregnancy. They say the best age to have children is between ages 20 to 35 years.
The team led by gynecologist Dr Susan Bewley, who deal with women with high risk pregnancies at Guy's Hospital and St. Thomas in London warned that the problem of fertility began to rise after the women entered the age of 35 years and worse at the age above 40 years.
In an article in the British Medical Journal, BMJ, the specialists write: "The availability of IVF fertility treatment make many women think they can wait years to find a suitable man and focus on career. But when they can live comfortably as is often desirable fertility treatment too late. "
lare Brown, Chief of Treatment Infertility Network UK said, "The decline of fertility of women over the age of 35 years are generally exacerbated by a blockage in a particular channel or a low sperm count in men. If this happens the success of IVF fertility treatment will be much lower '" continued Brown .
They warned that IVF treatment can not guarantee a woman can have children because of the high failure rate. Meanwhile, for men there is also a risk, delaying a decision to be a father and older will decrease the number and quality of their sperm.
Risks experienced by pregnant women over the age of 35 years is the vulnerability of miscarriage pregnancy, fetal and chromosomal defects and other diseases that attack the pregnancy.
"Modern women may want to 'do everything' but the structure of human biology has not changed. We feel sad because we were treating people who can not conceive or pregnancy complications," said Dr Bewley.
"The best age to have children was before 35 years. It never changes. I do not want to blame women who choose to pursue a career first, or make them afraid. The difficulty arises because the public, doctors and midwives also have a less precise view of the role of women and pregnancy, "added Dr. Bewley.
"Doctors and midwives need to understand this issue well and bring relief to women so that they achieve their potential to have a child by natural means. We must help as much as possible so that women can have children before the age of 35 years past," said Dr Bewley says age 20-35 is the right age for having children.
"Encouragement and biological functions is one thing that can not be changed," said Peter Bowen-Simpkins of Sciences Institute of Pregnancy and Gynecology.BBC