Mom Stress, Fetal Not Growth Well

Pregnant women who suffer from clinical depression or stress attacks of extreme need extra medical care. Therefore, pregnant women's psychological condition greatly affects the development of her fetus. Says Dr. Miguel A. Diego, a researcher from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Miami, United States.

"The results are contained in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine reveals that the size of infants born to mothers who are stressed or depressed tend to be smaller, both weight and length than infants born to mothers who are not experiencing stress," writes .

Dr. Miguel A.Diego and his team found that the hormone cortisol produced by adrenal glands as a contributing factor of stress. Dr. Miguel A. Diego using ultrasound measurement (ultrasound) to see the development of the fetus in the womb at the age of 98 pregnancies of women 16 to 29 weeks. They measured the levels of hormones and overall evaluation to measure the level of maternal stress. Increasingly heavy pressure on pregnant women, the less likely the baby to grow. Statistical analysis showed that levels of the hormone cortisol is high in proportion to the stress experienced and the body weight down.

To cope with stress in pregnant women, needed psychological therapy or a good social support. Because the influence of drugs anti stress to pregnant women is also still giving the pros and cons among health experts. "In addition to not developing fetus, pregnant women stress can trigger preterm delivery," said Dr. Miguel A. Diego.

So, go spa... take yoga , swimming or else to make youself fresh away from stress.

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