Want Pregnant? Eating Ice Cream!

Good news for women who missed baby. A study by Harvard scientists said the food consumption of processed dairy products will increase the possibility for pregnant women, including eating ice cream on a regular basis.

In the reports and data taken from the Nurses Health Study, the study of human reproduction was conducted at about 18.555 women here in America concluded that those who regularly consumed dairy products rich preparations have high levels of reproductive health better than those who rarely consume dairy-rich products.

Research conducted during the year 1991 until 1999, asking the respondents to record their lifestyle, diet and they do health records. They were also asked to provide information about the experience of pregnancy due to failure of menstruation cycle irregularity or other cause. Among them, about 3.430 reported infertility, in which approximately 2.165 went to a gynecologist for their problems. While approximately 438 respondents said they have problems with egg production.

The result, women who consume only about two or more servings of processed dairy products low in fat have an increased risk less fertile or less have a chance to get pregnant about 85 percent. While women who diligently consume fat-rich products such as ice cream rich milk has only 27 percent risk of pregnancy failure, as reported by the Associated Press.

Dr Jorge Chavarro, the study advised women who want to have baby to re-think low-milk diet in which they live. Chavarro suggested they start replacing low-fat foods such as skim milk or replacing low-fat yogurt with fat-rich milk (whole milk).

"In a sense we do not suggest to eat ice cream three times a day, but it would be better to start with a healthy diet of processed snacks to replace low-fat and replace it with the products of fat-rich dairy products once a day," explained Doctor from Harvard who believed that diet balance will give a good effect on reproductive females.

The same thing also said Dr Richard Fleming, from Glasgow, Center for Human Reproduction, which mentions a woman who made low-fat diets have to be careful with infertility. In this case obesity also has contributed a difficult woman to get pregnant, although she also did not suggest to modify their low-fat diet.

This obesity problem is also backed Dr. William Gibbons , who has a fertility clinic in Baton Rouge, La., And also President of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, says the weight is too skinny and too fat also has a big contribution to the reproductive health of women.

"It does not mean that consume high-fat product that protects us, but low-fat diet and 'forbidden' rich dairy products is not something that is good for our reproductive health," explained Dr. Zev Rosenwaks, director of Weill Cornell University and New York Presbyterian who served fertility problems. Rosenwaks emphasizes every woman to lead a healthy diet according to ability and portions of their bodies.

So for those who want to become pregnant, there's nothing wrong began diligently consume dairy products, including ice cream. Let's start eating ice cream make it a habit to keep our reproductive health.
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