Amniotic fluid Water Become Green

Not infrequently there pregnant mother who think that eating or drinking papaya leaf herbs during pregnancy may result in green amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid color has nothing to do with food or beverages intake by pregnant women.

Then why green? Amniotic fluid is generally colorless / transparent / translucent to pink freshwater. While green membranes called meconium. This comes from the baby's digestive waste products (baby's feces) who is in his gut. Green because the green coloring that comes from the results of the baby's digestive tract caused by gall baby.

Meconium should not come out directly but gradually absorbed by the body of the baby. Just after birth, came out as a feces. Meconium So this should not be issued in the womb. That is normal for babies in the womb will not be defecate.

Why baby until it pulled defecation while still in the womb? The baby in the womb have long started to breathe, she received from her mother's oxygen supply is carried by the blood through the umbilical cord. In addition to oxygen, the umbilical cord was also brought food. So, all kinds of baby needs channeled through the umbilical cord.

For that, all forms of interference, which occurs in the umbilical cord that interfere with blood flow could be fatal for babies. Interference such as a twist of the cord or the umbilical cord pinched by the baby's body then this will result in the baby of oxygen and food shortages. If the baby is deprived of oxygen sphincter anus will open or the muscles that regulate the closure of the anus will weaken and open, resulting in meconium will stain the amniotic fluid. Because green meconium amniotic fluid then automatically would be green.

Meconium can also occur when the baby is over the month. Babies who passed the time (months) his channel function has matured so out meconium. It is therefore important for pregnant women to do an ultrasound on a regular basis. Regular ultrasound can know exactly gestation. In the past the time of pregnancy, as many as 30 percent occurred greenish membranes.

Deaths caused
The most dangerous condition is when the birth, if the green waters thick green let alone worry about the baby can get meconium aspiration syndrome (meconium Aspiration Syndrome / MAS), a condition where the baby inhaled meconium at birth and into the lungs . If this happens, it must be quickly cleaned my mouth and nose so that the condition does not occur. MAS is quite dangerous because it can increase mortality in newborns.
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