Alcohol Damage Infants Center of Brain

BEVERAGES consumed alcoholic pregnant women, adverse impact on the fetus. That is, infants born to suffer brain damage or central fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

Having a healthy baby, would be a dream of every couple. However, to get a healthy baby, of course, takes effort. One of them is maintaining the health of the mother from pregnancy and while nursing.

For pregnant women, should avoid alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, can result in considering the risk of fetal growth or risk of damage to the central brain system.This center of the brain damage known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) or alcohol syndrome.

The experts from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that consider the health condition of the baby in the womb. The mothers did not consume alcoholic beverages. In the study, revealed when a pregnant mother to consume, then the substance will be transmitted through the bloodstream to the baby in the womb.

Chances are your baby will have an alcohol content higher than the mother. If the mother consume alcohol every day, then it is likely to have infants born low weight, while impaired children learn, talk, focus, language and children tend to be hyperactive. The most serious effects of alcohol is FAS.

The characteristics of FAS are affected by symptoms of stunted growth, facial features that do not normally like head and small brain size or lack of other anatomy systems. Frequency of alcohol consumption seven times or more per week, including wine, beer, and alcoholic beverages are increasing the risk of the baby will have FAS. However, women who consume alcohol is less than the measure could also experienced the same or other disturbance.

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a collection of diseases and disorders suffered since birth, including stunted growth, inability to learn.

FAS, only be prevented if the mother followed the rules, ie with no consumption of alcohol at all during pregnancy and lactation. FAS is a disease innate. Damage has occurred, even when the baby was still a fetus. There is no other prevention, but the mother should not eat them throughout pregnancy.

In 3rd countries, cases of infants with FAS each year is increasing. because the lifestyle of these countries woman who began to change.

Increased cases of infants with FAS, is not only happening in 3rd countries. However, also occurs in developed countries like America, England, and France. In fact, recently the researchers in the United States can identify FAS-affected infants during blinking or eye blink conditioning (EBC).

The research shows women who consume alcohol during pregnancy can weaken or damage the child's ability as blinking or EBC.

Jacobson joint research team later reported their findings in the Journal of Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. Research conducted in Cape Town, South Africa, conducted on 98 children aged 5 years who undergo tests and eye blink children who served as healthy control group. "We want to see, whether can use the EBC paradigm to identify, weaken or reduce Sub cortical the brain, which are especially influenced alcohol intake during pregnancy on the child," he said.

The result, none of the children who suffer from FAS normal results when tested for EBC compared with 75 percent in healthy children. Meanwhile, for children who have milder effects of alcohol, usually undergo more testing sessions for the normal EBC results.
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