Hypnobirthing Make Childbirth Easy

PEACE mother becomes an important key to the process of childbirth. Relaxation methods to help launch hypnobirthing labor and minimize pain.

Pregnancy and childbirth is a wonderful gift for women. Unfortunately, pregnant women often feel a sense of fear and anxiety will shadow a difficult childbirth, and painful. Forget all the bad dreams, because the birth process does not actually have to go through terrible pain. Moreover, until the screaming.

A pregnant women could give birth without pain, or with minimal pain. One way is to offer relaxation exercises through a technique called hypnobirthing.

The method is rooted in the science of hypnosis with psychological approach method which gives the opportunity to concentrate, focus, and relax. However, still with full consciousness.

Hypnotherapist from New Hampshire, USA, Marie F Mongan as those who first developed the method. Then patented a "hypnobirthing".

In essence, hypnobirthing procedure is to integrate self-hypnosis and the process of natural birth. There is a process of planting a positive suggestion to the subconscious, including that the pain does not appear. Remember that all sense of control systems in the brain.

If the unconscious is programmed so that the body does not send pain signals to the brain, the pain did not appear. However, when done, the individual remains in a conscious state.

Hypnobirthing relaxation primarily intended for the health of the fetus to be born. The reason is, many pregnant women patients birth babies with the condition of autism or even HIV infection. One reason is the process of a stressful pregnancy, or stress.

The main thing is the serenity of hypnobirthing mom. With practice relaxation, the birth canal to the fetus would be easier to open so that the birth process is not too tiring. Relaxed conditions will also encourage spending or the endorphin hormone which is often called the happy hormone that helps eliminate fear, tension, and panic in childbirth.

Relaxation training can begin at any gestational age, even when planning a pregnancy.

In the early stages, will be guided hypnotherapist. Planting affirmations and suggestions to the subconscious can be done in a way and any media. For example, listen to and follow the words hypnotherapist, with pendulum exercises focus, the technique of "lengthen the hand" to the ceiling, or moving the hand with the mind. Can also be done with a remembrance.

Once used, we easily do it yourself at home. Benefits gleaned from relaxation exercises, do not feel pain during childbirth, only a sense of heartburn such as menstrual pain.
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