Breast Milk Increase Baby's IQ

Do you want to have a smart baby? Give breast milk since birth because babies who received breast milk has proved a higher intelligence than those who only fed on formula.

The amount of the benefits of breastfeeding for infants disclosed intelligence researchers from McGill University in Canada. The results of their research concluded that the infant U.S. drinkers showed an IQ test results better at the age of six years.

However, the researchers can not ascertain whether the high IQ is due to the influence of water or milk from breastfeeding. Research involving 14 thousand children are the latest evidence of the many reports about the positive influence of breastfeeding on intelligence.

The problems often faced by previous studies is difficult to determine whether the findings related to the fact that the mother of the elite tend to want to give milk, and various other factors related to family circumstances that affect intelligence.

However, recent research which also included the Archives of General Psychiatry is trying to take issue with the monitoring of child development from birth in some hospitals in Belarus. Several hospitals in this country recommend the mothers to breastfeed babies with breast milk.

From the research revealed that children who received exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 months - and most also continue up to a year - recorded average 5.9 points higher in IQ tests at age 6 years.
The teachers also averaging milk recipient children have significantly higher academic ability, both in reading and writing.

"Providing long-term exclusive breastfeeding appears to improve cognitive development of children," said research leader Professor Michael Kramer.

According to the research analysis, a variety of fatty acids contained in breast milk is believed to increase intelligence. In addition, the physical and emotional aspects in the process of breastfeeding can create permanent changes in brain development of children.

The researchers also indicate feeding activity increased verbal interaction between mother and child, which in turn helps their development.
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