Baby Bathing Tips

Bathing the baby has a challenge for parents especially when their first time having a baby. Not a few of those who do not know how to properly bathe your baby, so they leave all matters to bathe the baby or the grandmother babysitter. And the shower is a good time to pour the love of parents to their children.

Mostly the babies can we grouped into 2 when associated with bathing. Some babies who loved the water so they will be very happy even laughed when immersed in water, there are unisex baby crying and struggling when touched by water. Into which group your baby?

Here are some tips to bathe babies and safe for your baby as a parent.
Talk to your child while bathing. Most parents frown or even issued a sour look when bathing their baby. Try to talk or chat with your baby even though you know that the baby will not know what you are saying. Baby will feel secure and happy if he knew when bathing your attention to him. No need heavy sentences and shouted shouted, just talk with a simple sentence and soft.

Although you are not a singer, try to sing while bathing the baby. Children love music, especially the exuberant rhythmic. In turn, they will also love the bathing procession as they liked the songs you sing while bathing them.

Nothing wrong with giving your baby a bath toy. Toys that float like a duck or a plastic doll will attract their attention. With the hope they will play more at home in the bathtub.

Use a special bathtub and safe for the baby. Always hold the baby's heart carefully. Remember that the baby would be slippery when wet so you have a strong hold but still with a tenderness. If necessary, invite someone to help you bathe your baby, especially if he is a lively baby. It would be nice if the tub is placed on a soft base so that if something is not desirable, your baby does not have a severe trauma.

Bathe your baby in warm water instead of hot water. Set the water temperature ranged from 48.9 degrees Celsius. Water that is too hot will burn your skin if too cold otherwise be frightening them.

It is important to instill the notion that the bath is very good for cleanliness and health to your baby or child. A good view of the bath and a good bathroom habits will result in good health too.
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