To prevent nausea - vomiting in the morning:
- Eat little by little but with more frequency. Try not to not eat or snacks for more than 4 hours. It's better if you eat small meals every 2 hours
- When just got up, try to get out of bed slowly - land with a movement that is not too hasty - rush
- Provide snacks or biscuits on the side of the bed and try to eat a biscuit after waking up
- Avoid eating in large portions
- Rest as much as possible because of tiredness can make nausea worse
- Avoid foods and smells sharp and make nauseated
- Make usual to breath clean air or the smell of lemon can make the body feel more refreshed
- Use a loose-fitting clothing so as not pressing the abdomen
During pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the mother will quickly feel an ulcer.
Apply these tips in order to reduce the symptoms:
- Use a pillow that was pinned on both knees, to reduce pressure on the hip and knee
- Reduce water consumption at night (but not for daytime), and reduce the consumption of food or beverages that contain caffeine because it can cause ulcer
- Eat little by little but often
- Expand drink milk, because in addition can reduce stomach acid, milk calcium is needed by pregnant women
- After the meal, try to eat a small meal or snack
- Provide a mint-flavored candy to relieve nausea due to an ulcer
3rd trimester, the closer the baby's birth but the mother will increasingly uncomfortable. Try the following tips:
- Use slippers or shoes without the right to the feet do not hurt
- If women experience back pain, use warm water compresses for aching body parts
- If women experience cramps, mild exercise can help reduce. Take regular moderate exercise such as swimming or walking - the road in the morning. In addition, if lying down, try to put feet on the pillow for a higher position than the head
- Make a lateral sleeping position
- Many - multiply in order to relax the soul and the feeling of calm while waiting for the mother's birth day
- Often - regularly listen to soothing music, because the fetus is able to hear and will come to feel calm with soothing music humming
- Always request that obstetricians perform an ultrasound every time visit