For most young couples are busy cosmopolitan work and career, many factors - such as mental & financial readiness, a rising career, and sexual life more "fun"? who will participate underlying any decision to bring the baby in the family. Anyone would want her child will grow up healthy, full attention, and fulfilled all his needs. So, for you who happened to be preparing for marriage, there is also a good idea to start talking about family plans that will you wake up later, of course, including the planned number of children and time of birth of each child's future ...
The only way to regulate the amount and time of pregnancy is through a method of contraception. Choosing methods / contraception is not an easy thing. We may never know the effects on the body as long as we do not use it. But, if our knowledge of contraception is wide enough, certainly would be easier to make choices
Now, in order to confidently choose, here are some tips that can be applied:
Consult a gynecologist
Never choose contraceptive based on the condition that happens to other people. One method of contraception may be appropriate to someone, but not necessarily be suitable also used by others. In fact, there is no effective method of contraception is 100% or be suitable for all people. To minimize risk, first consult with a gynecologist (gynecologist) about plus? minuses of each method, and whether appropriate or not to condition yourself. With the guidance of gynecologists, of course you will be easier to decide what is right with your body condition .....
Choose the Right Birth control and safe
Choosing the right contraception do need a variety of considerations. From lifestyle, routine and even frequent lovemaking. Do not miss your options, because this not only can interfere with health, but also can? Mess? quality of intimate relationship with a partner ...
Determine first: Temporary or Permanent?
The first step before using contraception is to determine how long you intend to delay pregnancy. Is the time not too long (temporary) or permanently (permanent). For the permanent option, can be used the way sterilization, ie tubectomy for women or vasectomy for men. For a period not too long (<5 style="font-weight: bold;">
Breastfeeding VS Contraception
Contraceptive use of estrogen-containing pills are not recommended for those who are still breastfeeding their babies. The goal, to minimize the risk of decline in milk production due to estrogen.
Perform Medical Check Up
During the use of contraception, should also do a pap smear tests, mammography, and blood pressure regularly, at least 1 x / year. This is useful for monitoring the condition of your body when the physiological changes and ensure early detection of all reproductive abnormalities.
So, who said that contraception is scary? Good luck!